This is what I'm trying to say see how much of a pro chuck is.
He is that good he don't need to learn about a plant that he is growing but masterd by someone else instead of his bum chum.
Have you heard of the saying if you think your bad there is someone badder.. It's true no matter how or what there will allways be...
Take life as an education and every person as a teacher because, today I'll teach you if listen tomorrow you'd teach me.
But you guys are so childish you don't like being told how others do it, just because you don't do what we do doesn't mean you are right.
You could have PHD in botany, or you could have been taught from childhood. In this life we all are students and I think some of you guys should accept and acknowledge that others can do this just as good or even better and try take some advice. Did and now I'm laughing
I am a noob, no books just trial and error plus advice and I can grow nice grows.
Pull your fingers out your arses boys and take some advice.
That's the point y'all are missing, I'm out of this now because it's just repeated bullshit and no points taken. Thanks alpha and jacks you guys put out a good points and looking forward for some advice.