Which system for a first grower?


Active Member
Hey, this is my first post, been lurking for a little while now. I have been doing alot of research and reading all over the web. Been wanting to grow for a while now but wanted to make sure I do it right and dont just throw my money away.

I decided to go with aeroponics/hydroponics because of the ease and less mess, I had been looking at alot of the setups that you can buy.

I was first going to get an aerogarden, linens n' things had a good deal going on them, but after doing the research im not sure thats what I want.

I would like to grow 3-4 plants, I am planning on getting a system and if it works well with 3-4 plants I would get a second system.

I have been looking at alot of different ones, and kind of have it down to two that I am choosing between, mostly for the price,
I would like to stay under $150 although I expect of course to spend more on lighting and a ph meter and all that.

So, the two I am choosing between that I need help with are these:

Magic Hydro Aero-4 kit - $54.95
Alternative Garden Supply - Hydroponics & Indoor Gardening Super Store

Rainforest 36 - $89.95
Discount Hydroponics - RainForest 36

soo, two questions.
1. Which should I go with?
2. Do you have any other recomendations or advice for someone wanting to grow 3-4 plants?

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Hey Crazy

(edited: I didn't look close at the system, thought it was a bubbler)

The first one looks like a DWC bubbler but it says that it has aero jets. Neat idea, for the price it'd be hard to make a bubbler around here and you get extras with that system. Looks great, look for some reviews)

This unit looks like a DWC/aero hybrid, with the roots setting in the res (the bucket) and the aero jets oxygenating the water.

You can make a Deep Water Culture bubble bucket with a 5 gallon bucket, high power air pump (high end aquarium or ... don't know the name), tubing, air stones or air difuser. You can get everything but a good bucket at Walmart for under 50 bucks. 5 gallon black bucket and lid at your hydro store for $12.

Great looking system. DWC is realitively easy, fast, fantastic yields. With a bubble bucket you have little to worry about for your first try at hydro. Combining the DWC with aero might work great. My definite choice.


The Rainforest is very similiar to the Aquamist ( Aquamist Home Page ) which I did a review on in this thread: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/18840-store-bought-system-reviews-2.html Page 2. Good thread for you, reviews different retail hydro system.

So ..... do the DWC/aero bucket. If you don't have to purchase internationally (safety) it might be cheaper to buy that system than build one. I'd look for reviews (google it) but it looks like a winner.

Have fun! I've got 4 air pumps lying around, air stones, tubing .... bubble buckets are great fun too!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
New growers are best served by plants in pots of absorbent media like rockwool, Fytocell or perlite, watered by a flood system.

Floods are dead simple to set up and operate. Nothing to clog, one moving part, very little plumbing. Floods are much more forgiving of watering failure than any other method. If plants are in pots of absorbent media, there's enough water stored in the media to get the plants safely through a pump or timer failure for a day or so if you forget to look in on the system. Also, if anything leaks in a flood system, with the reservoir being below the tray, the leak is most likely to drip into the res tank.

I would not recommend DWC or aero for a first time grower. DWC in particular has an Achilles' heel. Since DWC keeps roots submerged, they rely on 24/7 airflow. A pump or power failure lasting more than a few hours can kill every plant in a DWC op if you don't have a spare air pump or backup AC power to run the air pump.

Advanced growers may prefer aero or DWC because they are able to get more oxygen to the roots than floods with plants in pots of absorbent media, but the production difference is fractional. Clay pellet media can also be used, which due to low absorbency and large air gaps between pellets, tolerates very frequent watering, thus approximating the performance of aero or DWC. Pellets don't hold much reserve water, but are more tolerant of pump/power failures than aero or DWC.

New growers need simplicity and they don't get any simpler than a flood system. Advanced growers will appreciate the portability of plants in pots. They can be picked up and moved around for maintenance or to put slow plants in better light positions.


Active Member
Thanks for the help guys. one thing I decided was to build my own system instead of buy one.
I really want to do this right the first time instead of wasting money.
thanks again!