
Told my brother in law i'd fill in for him "hangin 10 footers" he tells me, your a tree man you'll be fine dude! 3/8's gypsum boards onto metal studs for 6 days straight made a fucken MAN outa my top skull and shoulders/forearms WHOA! TOTAL profound respect for rock hangers and anyone who does that for a living! By the way my brother in law looks like fucken popeye lmao!
Try hangin cement board overhead for months on end. Nothing better! :o Now that shits heavy!.

And when I first got in, it seemed i was always taller than my journeyman partners, so the scaffolding was always set up for them and my shorter sheetrockin mexican brothers.
My back and my neck are fucked bro
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"time is money"! words to live by on that job, that jig woulda been a lifesaver honestly, although the asbestos abatement crew were on the next floor .......kinda glad to be away from those jobs honestly, how the fuck can abatement be safe just because they duct tape plastic all around the area>? seems kinda half assed to me but ive never done abatement, heard its great pay/short life!
Retreaded from the plastics industry 2 years ago. Now you know where "moldy" came from.
I have a HUSKY injections moldings factory about a 25 mile drive from me, almost every one of there employees are drunks,stoners or both! Something about that industry ruins folks i guess o_O
Not only does the board need hung, but then it needs screwed off and then taped.
It's all about scaffolding, even interior;-)

I was a project manager for a large commercial contractor in Nor-Cal fresh out of college. After the economy crashed in 2008, I went another route but I will tell you this. That little gizmo might be ok for residential work but on a large scale commercial project, it is all about efficiency. Though that might look efficient at first glance, it would slow a commercial crew down and you would be laughed off the job site. Just my two cents.
I was a project manager for a large commercial contractor in Nor-Cal fresh out of college. After the economy crashed in 2008, I went another route but I will tell you this. That little gizmo might be ok for residential work but on a large scale commercial project, it is all about efficiency. Though that might look efficient at first glance, it would slow a commercial crew down and you would be laughed off the job site. Just my two cents.
Were you guys union? In the bay area? If you were, chances are I've heard of them, or maybe worked for them.
It's like a big "Contractors Reach Around" party in here...

You fuckers sure like talking about work! Hahah

Means you must have picked the right profession.

Ok, OK, I fess up.

I’m actually here to collect dick pics for my Calendar. I have 6 months covered, and looking for the other 6…

Please send your applications to: My Box.

Everyone will be judged, but not ALL can be frozen in time for eternity…

Thank you for sharing!
who's the N0vember member? ;-)