The UK Growers Thread!

I am taking my son to see Sinterklaas arrive by boat in Amsterdam tomorrow.....big thing in local politics Zwartepiet...Sinterklaas' little helpers who come to Holland with him and take all the naughty kids away in sacs lmfao. They also give out presents and throw kids pepernoten. I'd post a picture but I can't for the life of me figure out how to copy and paste from Google on my phone....Zwartepiet is Black Piet generally folk with black face paint on. Can't imagine that in the UK. Fukkin uproar there would be lol.
I am taking my son to see Sinterklaas arrive by boat in Amsterdam tomorrow.....big thing in local politics Zwartepiet...Sinterklaas' little helpers who come to Holland with him and take all the naughty kids away in sacs lmfao. They also give out presents and throw kids pepernoten. I'd post a picture but I can't for the life of me figure out how to copy and paste from Google on my phone....Zwartepiet is Black Piet generally folk with black face paint on. Can't imagine that in the UK. Fukkin uproar there would be lol.

Sounds like some sorta cult? Lol
It's Hollands Xmas lol. It's bigger than Xmas here yet they don't get a holiday lol....Crazy cloggies. Just stick Zwartepiet in Google. Fukkin nuts
I am taking my son to see Sinterklaas arrive by boat in Amsterdam tomorrow.....big thing in local politics Zwartepiet...Sinterklaas' little helpers who come to Holland with him and take all the naughty kids away in sacs lmfao. They also give out presents and throw kids pepernoten. I'd post a picture but I can't for the life of me figure out how to copy and paste from Google on my phone....Zwartepiet is Black Piet generally folk with black face paint on. Can't imagine that in the UK. Fukkin uproar there would be lol.

Bm wasn't that bad after all then if u could keep her alive lol

scrumped a lower branch for a taster, 7 wks 12/12 on a clone straight to flower, it slow as fuck vegging and rooting, like dead snail slow but flipped into flower as quick as the livers and is flowering at the same rate as the livers a s well but the BM looks to be a lot smaller yielder.
Think im gna get about an oz per livers n about 1/2-3/4oz of each BM
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thats kodi (xmbc) back installed and ready for the ufc i forgot how much shit is on that kodi mite fuck my sky off and get a few apple tv boxs
Aye I thot it was Xmas of some sort, do u still celebrate Xmas as we do over here DST?
Sinterklaas is mainly for the kids, adults tend to celebrate Xmas as well, and most kids get presents then as well. It's really just an extra celebration from what I see, but with gollywogs thrown in for good measure!! Not sure I really agree with it, but Ill let the Dutch argue about that. A lot of Councils (mainly with heavy Surinam members) are against the whole thing. Then there are arguments that Zwartepiets are black because they climb up drainpipes and through chimneys, then some say they are histrically slaves used by St Nicholas (oringially from Turkey) usual everyone has their own opinions and stories behind it.
Constantly picking up my conniffers in my patio today, it's like kind of windy!!!
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