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Well-Known Member
Okay so I will tell ya, cussing at people is disrespectful. Name calling and hating will not be tollerated. Respect is the key. :mrgreen::peace:
but im not cussing at any one
i didnt cuss at any one at all last night
and my thread still got closed


Well-Known Member
but chiceh
if this many people are all talking about the same thing and all agreeing on it
then shouldnt u be taking a bigger look at it not just casting it off like its nothing?


Well-Known Member
It feels alright, they sure are making me work hard the past couple of nights though. I wish peeps wouldn't take it all so personally. Let's just all chill and smoke a bong. bongsmilie:peace:
but it is personal when ur getting pms of infractions
and getting threatened with getting banned from the site and stuff like that
that makes it personal


Well-Known Member
also my sig got taken away for being to big not to be over 2 lines right
i remade a 1 line sig
and i cant have that either it wont let me save it
and chiceh ur sig is about as big as my old one was
why are the mods aloud to break the rules?


Well-Known Member
yup..but yeah i already asked you this question but you didnt much did your pre paid year membership cost
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