The UK Growers Thread!

fun starts at 16.10
he was one of the dudes in the HT collection room for the last infamous shitty cup they tried to run in Amsterdam. Needless to say I am a twat for giving them 40grams and a 1000 euros and not getting shit in return (not even a proper Cup). But hey, High Times and the rest of the Crew (shanti and the rest of em) didn't mind, they still all got their awards and cups and still love HT....NOT EVEN AN APOLOGY for running such a shitty show. All they done was try to cobble through so they didn't have to give their money back to the vendors.
Anyone used any grow room heaters in there room? Are those tubular ones any good for a room? Gets a bit cold at night here so was thinking on gettin something and ain't enough room for an oil rad
Towel heater rails around top of pots they are like a S shape so fits Round the stalks and they are only 70 watt or so real cheap and works good mg bit of a faff like but hey it's cheap and costs hardly nothing to run or just buy a heater lol
winter grow has finally begun.
2400w cooled by an 8" air force fan on the lowest speed setting, what a beast of a piece of growing equipment
this is another cracking example along with yorkies that Cervantes could learn on here, didn't know he was sword swallower tho
Towel heater rails around top of pots they are like a S shape so fits Round the stalks and they are only 70 watt or so real cheap and works good mg bit of a faff like but hey it's cheap and costs hardly nothing to run or just buy a heater lol

I've 18 pots makka, that'd mean 18 more plugs ffs, no chance of that. Might just buy one of the biggest tube heaters
Shit I have self wired ballast on my bedroom carpet floor lol no probz for 3 years touch wood

Them long wall bar heaters would be good that u can fix to wall u can get digital ones that regulate temps
damn looks like the livers cut i was passed turned out to be cheese. twats who,s passing fake cuts around, need there bollocks chopping off, if they got any, and even the cheese was fake, wots crack?
SLH ready for the chop. love the stench on this girl.