My birthday is on the 14th


Well-Known Member
Just putting this out there. ..I'll be 37

Not that any of you mofos care....

I'm on slowmode thanks to a certain individual

Cya later masturbaters


Should I make a poll vote yes or no for me to stay or go

I'm sure you are all sick of my shit ...well one around here is

No fucks given

Now, play with my scrotum
Happy early birthday.

If you stick around you can get birthday bumps!

Don't quit RIU yet...if you even could...

That's you. And RIU.
I don't even want to see that shit with all the other immature bs goin on around here...

And yes I am messed up in the head. would to if you have seen and smelled while in Afghanistan
You're on slow down because you asked me to be banned twice after posting a goodbye thread that stated you were going to commit suicide

I told you I did not think you actually wanted you account to be banned and that you would loose the ability to message anyone you have that's any sort of support system since you're going through some stuff right now

You than decided to get angry and take it out on the forum and swear and trash people who are having mental health problems calling them fake ass bitches and grow up because you apparently have more real problems than them

I put you on slow down so you can stop posting like this to other members because you're currently going through a rough patch and at the current moment if you wanted to come back you wouldnt be unable to

I did this all for the sake of you to have some sort of connection to anyone you would cOnsider a friend since you're being suicidal at the current moment

So don't call my hypocritical and don't make me out to be the bad guy and swing this around like I slapped you on slow down for no reason I did it cause you're taking your shit out on people you've never had interactions with before you're breaking rules but mostly you're just taking it out on them because you're suffering right now

So don't lie and cry and make this about modding

I was trying to be compassionate to you to keep your account open so you could talk to someone anyone on here you consider a friend

At the same time you can't just go around attacking other users who are having mental health problems or regular users in general I still have to protect those people

Go get help please you really need it
You're on slow down because you asked me to be banned twice after posting a goodbye thread that stated you were going to commit suicide

I told you I did not think you actually wanted you account to be banned and that you would loose the ability to message anyone you have that's any sort of support system since you're going through some stuff right now

You than decided to get angry and take it out on the forum and swear and trash people who are having mental health problems calling them fake ass bitches and grow up because you apparently have more real problems than them

I put you on slow down so you can stop posting like this to other members because you're currently going through a rough patch and at the current moment if you wanted to come back you wouldnt be unable to

I did this all for the sake of you to have some sort of connection to anyone you would cOnsider a friend since you're being suicidal at the current moment

So don't call my hypocritical and don't make me out to be the bad guy and swing this around like I slapped you on slow down for no reason I did it cause you're taking your shit out on people you've never had interactions with before you're breaking rules but mostly you're just taking it out on them because you're suffering right now

So don't lie and cry and make this about modding
You are a firecracker! I love it.
Just wanted to say I like the majority of ya......buuuuuut in before the Lock/delete/bash/ban

You know guys and gals ...sunni did this a while back to another forum member .....put him on slow mode so it take fucking 5 fucking minutes to reply while in the mean time she is trying to find the pot that I am stirring

Awwwww shit son
