Ben Carson..You are no Barack Obama

Yep last was Obama phone now it's free school so you'll get a diploma for just participating. Pathetic for anything be who's worked hard for what they have.

I saw Obama wants the kids to take less tests now.
That will make America even smarter! :wall:
Ben Carson never applied to West Point, and never claimed to have. This thread doesn't make any sense. I could wipe my ass with it
He did claim that he once attempted to beat his mother in the head with a hammer. What type of person would do that to his mother.
You do realize that what you call the Obama phone is a program that was started by Bush...or are you one of the dumb ones ?

Yeah, but Obama haters are going to blame Obama for it. Talking heads the pretend news site will always blame Obama but never give him credit for his acomplisments unemplyment at 5.0, best private sector job creation, we still have an auto industry, record DOW, low gas prices (even though he does not set prices, but he gets the blame when prices go up) so why not take credit for lower prices,
health care for millions of people etc...

You do know that much of PT109 was fabricated, right?

Why are they not carbon dating Bernie's past?

like the shrub's wmd evidence? pretty sure there isn't a thinking american that's not very fucking clear on fabrication.

seeing as how the good doc has already admitted trying to kill someone , i really don't see this as much of a stretch

you really think the dogs haven't been through bernie's life? could be that's because there's nothing there or he's some fucking mastermind at fooling all the operatives running wild these days.

think hard and come back with something relevant
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like the shrub's wmd evidence? pretty sure there isn't a thinking american that's not very fucking clear on fabrication.

seeing as how the good doc has already admitted trying to kill someone , i really don't see this as much of a stretch

you really think the dogs haven't been through bernie's life? could be that's because there's nothing there or he's some fucking mastermind at fooling all the operatives running wild these days.

think hard and come back with something relevant
JFK makes you think of Bush? Or does everything?
The reason my reference was relevant is because we are talking about an autobiography. Is that difficult to follow? So...
Relevant like what month Carson met the general in 1969?

Actually, I was kinda kidding about Bernie...didn't think I needed to spell it out. Speaking of relevance again though, he's not.
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Right, because all of that standardized testing is working so well now. Don't worry about actually teaching anything, let's just test the kids through school.
I do believe and agree on this statement.. what kindergarten needs to learn to fill in bubbles for testing... it's crap that the book manufacturers etc push for new xiriculums so schools spend 30 mil every few years on books that we can't afford and to test the shit out of kids.
I saw Obama wants the kids to take less tests now.
That will make America even smarter! :wall: have kids or actually have seen this standardized testing stuff. Honestly I would be like yea ok as well but I have a kid 4 years old and I am acutally. Seeing some of these things 1st hand.. I have nieces and.nephews that are older and that's all they do at least 40% of the time. Should they have testing hell yes they should but not a test every 3 days is a bit much it's not.colleges it's 1st 2n graders still learning to count they don't need that testing stuff except on actual real shit you need in real life.
Did anybody watch it. I didn't even know it was a debate night. I guess I missed it.
I missed it too. It was on MSNBC, so not a lot of people knew about it. Nobody watches that channel.

AND it wasn't a debate. Rachel Maddow interviewed each candidate one at a time in front of an audience
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I missed it too. It was on MSNBC, so not a lot of people knew about. Nobody watches that channel.

AND it wasn't a debate. Rachel Maddow interviewed each candidate one at a time in front of an audience

I see, I am having trouble finding any video clips that will load. What a way to get the word out. NOT.
Does Rachel identify more as a woman, or a man? I'm just asking..
