Club 600

They are still quite leggy but not quite dog leggy. I reckon the FB has brought down the stretch a little. I find the FB although still stretchy is far more bushy than the dog.
Man that is nice. I think i have some 2010 dog x fireballs in my stash i might have to pop some. The animal cookies x dog have that dog rubber smel in veg and are fucking crazy shocky. I am wondering how much stretch they will have. Cof's cut of dog i have will double in flower easy but the ac x dog dont have that look to them.
Sulfur burn today.
threw out my tent covered in mold.
.just going to use the frame.
got my Painting back from the dispensary where it been hanging for like a year behind the clones all lit up sideways, looked hella stupid. lol... He actually hung it up ontop of a Bob Marley Poster. It was kinda weird when he took the painting down and Bob marley was behind it all that time.
sulfur burning 001.JPG
sulfur burning 002.JPG
sulfur burning 008.JPG
12.odd material
Never weighed lump after but smoked it just about with 3 m8s few nails each........

Got sick of weighing and playing with It making everyone dabs the same haha that novelty wore off a while back an it's just what goes on the dabber when broken up before goes soft again,

And these when to early for a dabIMG_20151102_110345.jpg
check out @hyroot He has been messing with it quite a bit. There is also a Rosin tech on this forum somewhere.


using a flat hair iron. wrap bud in parchment. Squeeze in between hot iron for 6-10 seconds at a time. apply lots of force. The oil will literally be juiced from the bud to the parchment and you scrape and dab.

No shit... it works. use good parchment like Reynolds though. cheap parchment will absorb it. There are companies working on presses and a few are out already, but the hair straightener works like a charm.
Flower rosin I pressed with a straightener at 300 F for 5-6 seconds. If you press longer make sure the temp is lower.


You can also use one of those Irwin 600 lbs grip to place around the straightener to increase the psi on the plates.

That will outperform a modified t shirt press. It will have a higher psi with the grip

Higher psi - less the temp and you can press a little longer

Rosin threads are in the concentrate and extract section. I also show a lot about rosin and ice wax in my thread as well
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here figgy. this was posted by @Greengenes707 in his thread. its the dnail press. pretty much says it all. LOL

Seems like the way to go. no chemicals just heat and pressure.

You guys weren't kidding about the stretch on that DOG, damn haha.

I decide to just let it go and not tuck it under the screen so I could see how the clones will stretch for next round. Getting a good 6 to 8 inches above the net! Stretching more then the Deep Psychosis Sativa.

Couple shots of the DOG. They love the new light as well.
