Why should you believe that death will be any different than it was in 1800?

What do you believe?

  • Heaven and hell

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Reincarnation

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Loss of consciousness, like sleep

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Were you happy or depressed in the year eighteen hundred, no you weren't anything in 1800, there wasn't even a me, an I amness, not even an empty space or the slightest light of consciousness, it was like deep dreamless sleep, not even black, pure nothingness, nothing at all. You were dead in the year 1800, why would you think that the year 2200 will be any different?
If death is literally nothing then why should you fear it, trust your Intuition it is not death but the pain of dying that you fear.

Definitely not saying that we shouldn't take precaution to guard against death but death is nothing to be afraid of.
I have always been and will always be. I am the light and the dark the beginning and the end.
I believe this is true as well, I don't believe we parish in sleep or in death, as you say I am the light, the light is not fleeting it is indestructible, immortal, eternal, it's just that we have no memory of sleep or death bc our consciousness losses it's connection with our brain and returns to the sweet abyss.
"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." - Epicurus

'I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain
If you look into reincarnation and the cycle of life you would know that you once lived. You body and soul separates at death. Your soul and consciousness is what remains, and when time comes you are alive once again. I know shamans that do black magic with spirits that would leave scientists baffled.
Were you happy or depressed in the year eighteen hundred, no you weren't anything in 1800, there wasn't even a me, an I amness, not even an empty space or the slightest light of consciousness, it was like deep dreamless sleep, not even black, pure nothingness, nothing at all. You were dead in the year 1800, why would you think that the year 2200 will be any different?

the diff will be the tools

at this point they know a soul is in the body thanks to experiments in the early 1900's
21 grams different weight from a living body to a dead body (measurements were taken in most actuate way possible at the time) ....thinking about it the only thing different then a living body and dead is the chemical reaction of life and the electrical energy in the body ......at death those function end and according to his work it weighs 21 grams

now going on the law of Conservation of energy....the energy that is in your body must go somewhere

in the year 2200 the tech should be able to detect the energy in theory ..........personally i think it end up at the center of everything (0.0.0 of the universe) not sure if that is in the void of empty space or a center of some galaxy and i base all this off the idea string theory and vibrations of the universe is correct

as for the idea of god (all 3 of the major ones it is the same god or idea of god ) just 2 of them think they have the only path to god as the 3rd just takes the hits waiting to see
Just want to mention, humans aren't the only ones with souls. Animals have souls also, I know this because I know a few people who keeps the soul of a cat fetus as a charm. The cats spirit isn't able to reincarnate and is stuck in our realm. Human fetuses can be done the same way. They can control electricity, touch you or come into your dreams. My buddy brought a cat fetus charm home once and had nightmares that night. He returned it the very next day. Its very cruel, I used to think it was cool as a kid.
Just want to mention, humans aren't the only ones with souls. Animals have souls also, I know this because I know a few people who keeps the soul of a cat fetus as a charm. The cats spirit isn't able to reincarnate and is stuck in our realm. Human fetuses can be done the same way. They can control electricity, touch you or come into your dreams. My buddy brought a cat fetus charm home once and had nightmares that night. He returned it the very next day. Its very cruel, I used to think it was cool as a kid.

it is old magic (just a different form of science) old magic is not to be fucked with at all .......unless u have access to the Vatican library with about 20 years of reading and researching from the 1 of kind books on the subjects they have collected over the last 1700s years maybe from before if u believe they found the library of alexandra (old myth about it they had 2 sets of books one was kept in the city the other was in the desert but the location of the one in the desert was lost in the burning over time the desert covered it)......how evil they are and what they did in dark ages i would think they found it and suppressed it

as for the human talk .........clear that whole line of thinking out of your head .....somethings are not ment to be messed with at all and this is one of those it is why is know as the most taboo of all the old magics .......u must be the most vile thing on the planet or a soulless monster yourself to even dabble in this ....the only good news with ppls minds for the last 300 years have written enough crap to keep anyone from doing any major damage
it is old magic (just a different form of science) old magic is not to be fucked with at all .......unless u have access to the Vatican library with about 20 years of reading and researching from the 1 of kind books on the subjects they have collected over the last 1700s years maybe from before if u believe they found the library of alexandra (old myth about it they had 2 sets of books one was kept in the city the other was in the desert but the location of the one in the desert was lost in the burning over time the desert covered it)......how evil they are and what they did in dark ages i would think they found it and suppressed it

as for the human talk .........clear that whole line of thinking out of your head .....somethings are not ment to be messed with at all and this is one of those it is why is know as the most taboo of all the old magics .......u must be the most vile thing on the planet or a soulless monster yourself to even dabble in this ....the only good news with ppls minds for the last 300 years have written enough crap to keep anyone from doing any major damage
The vatican is one very secret place. Its actually a country of its own. Black magic isn't my cup of tea though, never wanted to do anything like it. I thought it was cool as a kid but didnt know any better. I'm fascinated with unknown, mysterious things, human nature.
The vatican is one very secret place. Its actually a country of its own. Black magic isn't my cup of tea though, never wanted to do anything like it. I thought it was cool as a kid but didnt know any better. I'm fascinated with unknown, mysterious things, human nature.

FUCK THE VATICAN ......they are the worst ppl on this planet and i do not understand why the rest of the world has not made the group disband(for the last 1700 years they are the major casue of most of the pain and death in the world )

we should go in collect all the books/scrolls/historical artifacts then burn the place to the ground .......and to do the same thing to MECCA

if u look at all of history the roman catholic church has killed more ppl then anyone else ....and has casued more pain in the world then any other ......u know that the passion of chirst was written in the middle 1000s to insight ppl to do things to jewish ppl to force them to convert ( and they are still using it today most ppl think it is real not a bullshit play written more then 1000 years ago )

if i could i would crack the neck of the pope take his hat put it on and disband the whole group ....or kill the pope that big meeting goes on and poison them all at one time
FUCK THE VATICAN ......they are the worst ppl on this planet and i do not understand why the rest of the world has not made the group disband(for the last 1700 years they are the major casue of most of the pain and death in the world )

we should go in collect all the books/scrolls/historical artifacts then burn the place to the ground .......and to do the same thing to MECCA

if u look at all of history the roman catholic church has killed more ppl then anyone else ....and has casued more pain in the world then any other ......u know that the passion of chirst was written in the middle 1000s to insight ppl to do things to jewish ppl to force them to convert ( and they are still using it today most ppl think it is real not a bullshit play written more then 1000 years ago )

if i could i would crack the neck of the pope take his hat put it on and disband the whole group ....or kill the pope that big meeting goes on and poison them all at one time
Ya with all the evil they've caused and with their easy persuasion of the masses you'd almost think they were successfully performing black magic and sorcery.
Ya with all the evil they've caused and with their easy persuasion of the masses you'd almost think they were successfully performing black magic and sorcery.

yah what do u except they think they are above everything........for years and still now some really powerful ppl confess sins to them (i think they are recorded or noted the info is passed along to use to convince them on matters they want)

just google the word throne in the vatican .....that image saids enough for me
The pope is probably the single most powerful person in this world, next to the rothschilds empire. That child molester can catch a fever and millions will cry their balls off. They've probably suppressed a lot more molestation cases than we know about. I feel sorry for those kids whose parents fell into the cult. Its taken a lot of lives, lies, money, deceit, betrayal and what not for the vatican to get where they are. If the vatican goes down, theres going to be a lot of lives lost again. The successor might not be as nice. If I remember correctly, muslims are set to overtake christians and catholics in the future. The image of that throne is focking evil to the bone. All the popes look evil if you think about it. I wonder why exorcisms have to be granted by the vatican or performed by someone the vatican approves of. SINISTER.
The pope is probably the single most powerful person in this world, next to the rothschilds empire. That child molester can catch a fever and millions will cry their balls off. They've probably suppressed a lot more molestation cases than we know about. I feel sorry for those kids whose parents fell into the cult. Its taken a lot of lives, lies, money, deceit, betrayal and what not for the vatican to get where they are. If the vatican goes down, theres going to be a lot of lives lost again. The successor might not be as nice. If I remember correctly, muslims are set to overtake christians and catholics in the future. The image of that throne is focking evil to the bone. All the popes look evil if you think about it. I wonder why exorcisms have to be granted by the vatican or performed by someone the vatican approves of. SINISTER.

u forgot your history or it was never taught to u

when the big guy died and left in 33 ad ......it started a war that lasted more then 200 years
the 12 different ppl that fallowed him each had a different view on the subject .......they polarized over what is the right way what is the wrong way .......then they started killing each other off turning into the romens and other ppl

in the end the roman catholic won the war .........and they refused to give up the power .........there has been sects of ppl that knew the bible better then they did talked circle around them and the logic they used the church labeled them sinners killed them all off and took what was there lands money power.......hell the knights templar were betrayed by them (roman church and french king) ....the church feared the power they were amassing

and the real part that messes with me ..........they know all the stories about the end times .........but they are allowing them to come to pass with out fighting it

they let the pope step down ........so this is one of the very very very rare times that 2 popes are alive (i do not rem this ever happening before) and according to the writing that is one of the major markers that the world is going down the shitter
u forgot your history or it was never taught to u

when the big guy died and left in 33 ad ......it started a war that lasted more then 200 years
the 12 different ppl that fallowed him each had a different view on the subject .......they polarized over what is the right way what is the wrong way .......then they started killing each other off turning into the romens and other ppl

in the end the roman catholic won the war .........and they refused to give up the power .........there has been sects of ppl that knew the bible better then they did talked circle around them and the logic they used the church labeled them sinners killed them all off and took what was there lands money power.......hell the knights templar were betrayed by them (roman church and french king) ....the church feared the power they were amassing

and the real part that messes with me ..........they know all the stories about the end times .........but they are allowing them to come to pass with out fighting it

they let the pope step down ........so this is one of the very very very rare times that 2 popes are alive (i do not rem this ever happening before) and according to the writing that is one of the major markers that the world is going down the shitter

Why is it that cowards worry about the "end" and death so much. Its something thats going to happen no matter what. I could care less, when time comes it comes. How could you have STORIES of the end times when the end hasn't came yet? Stories are for children. Its funny how many people freaked out over y2k, the blood moon, these prophecies and god is coming back to save everybody talk. The history of the vatican is a piece of history I could care less to remember or learn about and honestly, I dont believe it. Just like the bible so many mindless fools worship. The world was already in the shitters when "americans" took over. You dont need to have 2 popes alive to know that. I feel bad for the people who found out after a pope stepped down.
Why is it that cowards worry about the "end" and death so much. Its something thats going to happen no matter what. I could care less, when time comes it comes. How could you have STORIES of the end times when the end hasn't came yet? Stories are for children. Its funny how many people freaked out over y2k, the blood moon, these prophecies and god is coming back to save everybody talk. The history of the vatican is a piece of history I could care less to remember or learn about and honestly, I dont believe it. Just like the bible so many mindless fools worship. The world was already in the shitters when "americans" took over. You dont need to have 2 popes alive to know that. I feel bad for the people who found out after a pope stepped down.

me personally i want the end to come to allow me to keep my word to my mother that i would not do anything bad until it does

the sec the world breaks i am off the leash .......no more dumb ass rules
u rape someone your dick is blown off and u bleed to death
u beat someone every bone in the body is broken
u kill someone (i got thousands of experiments i can try)
stealing and robbing ...depends on who it is from decent ppl going to lose a foot

the way the system is going now........it is so fucked really no point in life ..........u work for 50 years and still die with nothing because the government is taxing your money again for 33-50% ( my own family method around it is we are all on each other account .........something happens know it is the end we can empty out the accounts to a private account in our name before the death leaving nothing for the person dying leaving nothing for the government to tax.....even the house and land is in our names so they can not tax that)