HPV app

You need at least twice that if I'm coming over. If it's hard cider.
My landlord/ housemate made all that, from apples from our friends in the bay- and some from parks. Hydrolically pressed at the community garden. It been doing its thing for a few weeks now.

I'm excited to try it. But I'm not even gonna put a dent in those. I don't even know if I like cider! My last Friends batch tasted like whisky almost.

(Insert joke about friends batch).

(And another joke about "insert")
The last profile I was matched with on tinder mentioned 'now booking appointments' and a phone number. I look at tinder once in a blue moon as a form of entertainment. I agree, it is nice to see the shared interests/friend thing from FB too.
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For some reason, my kid gets apps on her iPhone the same second I install on mine, and the same vise versa. She has to use my password in the app store. Something went wrong when we hooked everything up:-(
I was just farting around one day and put POF app on my phone, not thinking about the shared app bullshit. And guess who calls me up immediately? Dad! POF? Really?
So anyways, i just looked into the tinder thing. Saw it was an app, and NOPE! Not gonna do it. Even though it should be no big deal rite?
My landlord/ housemate made all that, from apples from our friends in the bay- and some from parks. Hydrolically pressed at the community garden. It been doing its thing for a few weeks now.

I'm excited to try it. But I'm not even gonna put a dent in those. I don't even know if I like cider! My last Friends batch tasted like whisky almost.

(Insert joke about friends batch).

(And another joke about "insert")
If you let a batch of hard cider freeze and scrape off the ice you're left with apple-jack. Usually around 20-30% alcohol. Same idea as ice wine.