I think black on black crime is relevant because in some places where maybe police have given up, or cant do anything that wouldnt result in slaughter (small pockets in LA, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC) so they give them "free zones" like what was depicted in "The Wire" or the ever famous Skid Row in LA. This essentially is blacks policing blacks, is it not? The turn to capitalist endevours, entrepreneurship, like any mentally healthy person would, except the good is outlawed, and prices are artificially inflated. This makes competition artificial, and monopolies are formed (Bloods/Crips work together on Skid Row) to prey on the weak.
I know your trying to focus on "cop on black" violence, but consider the countryside as a "free zone" for white people. What do they do? Return to their biological disposition of farming, and self sustainment. What happens? Government still tries to get em. Can't grow certain plants (weed) cant collect rainwater, can't graze cattle on otherwise unused "federal" land, asset forfeiture, and other shit im sure i cant think off the top of my head. Anyone who denies the institutionalized racism within government is clearly ignorant, or racist themselves. On the flip side anyone who can not or WILL NOT (the case of the bad apples on/running this forum) make distinction between what the results are of institutionalized racism in government, and the results of individual racism within people is ignorant or racist themselves.
All these forum fools who attempt to psycho-analyse dont even understand the very simple notion of every person can and does have a thought, in anger usually, about a preconceived idea regarding a race of people. Acting on it to cause harm to a random person of another race (lynchings or knock-out game) is far different than a simply having a thought in anger. Likely that thought came when attempting to interact voluntarily with another private party, and not coming out ahead, as we are all inherently greedy.