ahhh the good old days ...

I never cared for the chamber pipe because it munged up all the fresh weed with the smoke. But it was the bowl-most-used in my high school days.

The protopipe is in my fishing tackle box as we speak. All tarnishy. Fucking Brasso.
Hey, I remember those things!
It's what we use to sniff rush out of:-)
Lol. Best stash case ever.

But I like the older ones.


Actually even older than these. I like the 1950's steel ones that Kodak painted inside and out. At one point I had hoarded a few thousand. Now I just have maybe a thousand of them.


Although, if I am being sufficiently anal... many of the above types are mis-classified and make poor stashes. The one in front, second from right doesn't even have the right lid on it. Sloppy work internet; C-. The only steel one in the above picture is the black and yellow one in the top row. The rest are Aluminium.
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graffix, lol

A real Graphics could deal a death blow to a burglar and then get you nice and toasted.
I bought a 2 foot blue one in 1989 that is still in use at a friends house.
It WAS graphics back then, wasnt it? I thought I was trippin. I had two with the bottoms like yours in the pic.

graffix, lol

A real Graphics could deal a death blow to a burglar and then get you nice and toasted.
I bought a 2 foot blue one in 1989 that is still in use at a friends house.

That was (when i was in highschool) the ARSENAL to die for! Excellent share trousers!
I googled that pic. I may have a picture somewhere of my Graphics.
Graffix came along when Graphics went out of business.

It is basically a thick acrylic tube stuck in a soup can.
Twice as thick as the Graffix. It was a weapon.
We used to get this stuff back in daze, didnt really know exactly what it was but resin/weed, no buds just this stuff, gold seal, red seal, and this clear seal.

because it has a clear seal ... inventive :) super sticky black stuff !!!

ahhh the good old days
We used to get this stuff back in daze, didnt really know exactly what it was but resin/weed, no buds just this stuff, gold seal, red seal, and this clear seal.

because it has a clear seal ... inventive :) super sticky black stuff !!!

ahhh the good old days
Hash? Lol. Did you have to fluff it first?