Trump will shut down mosques in America.


Well-Known Member
There are no Christian crosses in Mosul, because it was never meant to be Christian,...there are crosses in NY because it wasn`t either. Known facts from AC.


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised that liberals would side with people who would convert or kill them at their first given opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Just saying that for the Republicans in the room. Going with their belief it's a Christian nation, hence christians killing muslims. Sorry you couldn't see the sarcasm. I know our founding father's weren't no dummies :leaf:
Stop lying. You meant exactly what you posted. No point in trying to save face for your liberal Islamic sympathizer buddies


Well-Known Member
Actually i am liberal and i for one believe all religion should be be headed but you can Believe in what you like Christianity was doomed from the beginning sooner people snap out of there fav sunday morning cartoon the better the world will be a much better place
any person that lives there life around some make belief god must be in fact shallow
So why copy paste conservative bs about Obama violating the constitution? What kind of reaction do you expect from that?


Well-Known Member
Stop lying. You meant exactly what you posted. No point in trying to save face for your liberal Islamic sympathizer buddies
Got me. I certainly don't hate all muslims. Would I trust any muslim/arab/local in country? nope. But having a neighbor from Egypt. Who is muslim. All my childhood who always welcomed us and treated us as family, I feel like "they" obviously aren't all bad mentality. Fbi offered the man work shortly after 9/11. The bush years! People of all kinds commit horrible acts. Americans killed 30000 of their own last year! Get over the hate and fear.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of killing citizens without a trial.

As an ex service member and half of DC calling you a terrorist you shouldn't be a fan either.
That's not vague at all...

This is why nobody takes you mouthbreathing conservatives seriously. Someone says the president violated the constitution, and the only examples anyone can point to are vague and stupid appeals to ignorance.

I would really love to be proven wrong here, but Obama has clearly never violated the constitution.


Well-Known Member
Stop lying. You meant exactly what you posted. No point in trying to save face for your liberal Islamic sympathizer buddies
"I'm not racist!" Not GOP always cries, and then goes "All Muslims are terrible people." Really? Have you ever met a Muslim person? I know tons of Muslim people. I've never been proselytized by a Muslim, whereas I've been proselytized by Christians. One of my Muslim friends got sent to the hospital by a bunch of ex military who said they were doing the Lord's work, and what did my Muslim friend do? Nothing, he was brown, that's it.

Fact is, Muslims are some of the nicest people I've ever met. I've been welcomed into their homes, treated like family, fed until I couldn't eat anymore, and nothing is expected in return.

You have no clue what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
That's not vague at all...

This is why nobody takes you mouthbreathing conservatives seriously. Someone says the president violated the constitution, and the only examples anyone can point to are vague and stupid appeals to ignorance.

I would really love to be proven wrong here, but Obama has clearly never violated the constitution.
I figured you knew what I was talking about. Apologies for thinking you could read, it's been discussed here already once or 200 times.

Al Awaki was labeled a terrorist using his correspondence with Ft Hood shooter who was not labelled a terrorist. So proof one is and one isn't is the same proof, yet we killed one. No trial. That goes against the basic right of due process.

Less vague for you?

Do you want Trump to be able to label a terrorist and kill them on his own volition? We'd all be targets because we are pot heads.

No, that's a power I don't want ANY POTUS to have, not even one as dreamy as Obama.


Well-Known Member
A history book is exactly right. You want to take us back to the middle ages, while we have 7th century throwbacks killing all over the world, Right Now. Not hundreds of years ago. Right now
Hint: In the 7th century, Islam was more advanced than Western civilization. What you're doing right here is saying that Muslims are "primitive" people and "backwards."

The only caliphate in full operation is in the name of "Allah" . Nobody hears about crazy murderous Christians because there are not that many of them. When it does happen, the media is ALL OVER IT. I'm not Christian, but I do know most of them preach "turn the other cheek", and "love thy neighbor"
What caliphate? Oh you mean ISIS? A non-state group? Sorry but a caliphate is a state. When you say "Nobody hears about crazy murderous Christians..." you're implying that Muslims are "crazy and murderous." Unless you want to clear that one up.

I'm not surprised that liberals would side with people who would convert or kill them at their first given opportunity.
Muslims are going to try to convert your or kill you at their first given opportunity? I'm still alive.


Well-Known Member
Hint: In the 7th century, Islam was more advanced than Western civilization. What you're doing right here is saying that Muslims are "primitive" people and "backwards."

What caliphate? Oh you mean ISIS? A non-state group? Sorry but a caliphate is a state. When you say "Nobody hears about crazy murderous Christians..." you're implying that Muslims are "crazy and murderous." Unless you want to clear that one up.

Muslims are going to try to convert your or kill you at their first given opportunity? I'm still alive.
You're trying to fill in blanks that are not empty. You're jumping on the attack to try and put me on the defensive.
This tactic is nothing new to me. Let me ask you, are you an Islamist? Or are you Muslim? Because you seem to have the two confused...