@Pinworm I swear to the gods of the butthole that I am sending you something in the mail if I could describe to you without heavy ridicule. the events of my life the past month I would , there have been exploding houses mother strokes, pet deaths and hope of becoming a player in the legal area of marijuana distribution.. I love you and double swear that something as lame as it is is heading your way.I might even send flowers...full homo
That's terrible, I wondered where you were man. Glad to see you back, sending much love your way.
P.S. Are you hitting on my boyfriend Ching!? I will cut you, I will cut you so deep.
You have to post a picture or he will never love you
whats the matter you chicken Mcfly?I have.Just not publicly.
I voted for Pinworm, because Pinworm! Where have you been? Missed you around here.I voted for the shitting