Salvia.. done it?


Well-Known Member
I have done a large handful of psychedelics and I truly believe that salvia is not a recreational substance for me. The first time it was so inner-dimensional and spiritual that I was literally in physical shock from the visual/mental images it helped produce.

That being said-I have done it 13 times (always 40x or more) and I feel like it is an untamable beast. I can hang on LSD/Shrooms/Peyote but Salvia still rocks my world. The longest documented time (personal reference) it lasted was 5:13 (thats five mins), it always takes me a few minutes to completely come back but no longer than 5 out per bong rip. I love where it takes me but it is a rough ride full of sweat and confusion. Also, it makes my face look like a crazy person flashing from hysterical to murderous and back again........Have fun, it is fun, but also serious, if you feel scared while on it just remember it will stop soon.....

mr thc

Well-Known Member
I'd do it again...for sure. That inner-dimensional shit is so true though....what a drug. If I could get a grip on it, like weed then I'd like it more. I feel confident every time I take a bowl that I will feel better after I take it, because I know I will, I NEVER cough...ever. I don't know why but I've always been a rip-king lol. Must be these athletic young lungs in me :p Ever since I learned how to properly take a bowl I've been pullin' 'em through one after the other...anyway yeah, I can't always tell myself I'm going to feel better after a bowl of salvia because I never know for sure.


Well-Known Member
well i got caught up in... lets say another substance at the weekend and have only really just recovered so tonight is my salvia night :mrgreen:

its good seeing others views and opinions on this, some people say that it did nothing but i read some people are naturally immune to it??

well i have my nice new water/ice bong at home waiting for me so when i go home i'l pack her up and see how we flow.

i'l give you my opinions when i get back (prob in the morning)

:peace: out


Well-Known Member
as the title says!

ok i got in last night and filled up the bowl with salvia 10x. sat on the couch with my g/f and proceeded to smoke it. i inhaled it and held for about 20 seconds then blew out. i felt fine to start with......

then i blinked and when my eyes opened back up i was what i can only describe as a game catridge for an old console say a snes or atari. these other game catridges told me that i had opened my eyes at the wrong time and popped out of my slot, (there were hundreds of slots whirling past me each with a different story, my story was my life as a whole. the other cartridges told me that there was no point in me looking for my slot as it was lost in all the others and that i should just give up looking and start a new slot (meaning i should start a new life ) so i jumped into a slot and this is when my living room came back into view only it was not my room and people were in it and they were switching the room about. it was as though the room was moving round and they were telling me that im in the wrong slot and needed to move, but the room kept changing into different rooms.

just then my girlfriend asked if i was finished. i was shocked to here her voice and thats when i all of a sudden got some reality back. i then remembered that i had taken salvia and i started relaxing. the room was my room but the walls were changing into different scenery. there was the sky and cliffs and i had the sensation of falling then it was a forest.

it all of a sudden came to me that these things i was seeing and the reason i couldnt find my slot as it was changing all the time was because i advertisements were on the tv at the time. i was living in these adverts.

thats all i can remember really except what my g/f told e that i was looking at her at times but basically looking straight through her. i remember talking to her and telling her that its weird stuff and trying to explain what was happening but apparently i was just making strange noises.

to be honest it scared the living crap outa me but afterwards i loved it.

this stuff its not to be underestimated. i did and boy did i have the ride of my life. maybe next time i can control it more and not be so panicky about trying to find my slot :eyesmoke:

sorry for the essay and bad spelling i just thought i would share my experience of the amazing legal drug :lol:


Well-Known Member
sounds like alot of fun. It just sucks that 10x does nothing to me, and I can't find anything stronger than 10x in my town.


Well-Known Member

That is a dead on description of what it is like. Obviously I have never had the cartridges or slots, but Salvia is very personal and I understand what you are describing. Mine is similar in fact that I have doors and choices as well. One thing that is fun to try, that I have been attempting, is to use Salvia as a vehicle to accomplish goals.......I hope this makes sense-Every time I do it my body/mind have a reaction to go inside and down like I'm entering myself/my mind and exploring it. I have been attempting to use Salvia to move out/up not into myself but into the Universe and outer space. Basically, if you do it again give yourself a mission and very gently try to steer the Salvia train towards what you want to see rather than letting it transport you into a dimension you did not initially choose. Good luck, have fun, and always remember it will be over soon.


Well-Known Member
sounds like alot of fun. It just sucks that 10x does nothing to me, and I can't find anything stronger than 10x in my town.
I recommend 40x, but 20 is all right too. Salvia is unregulated so you should be able to purchase it online and have it sent.


Well-Known Member
i made my own 15x'ish shit ... and it works .. i had a pretty fucked up trip .. lasted around 3 minutes and i never stopped laughing ... but i am creating a thread on how i make it .. im trying a new way involves water curing .. that way i will try to get some waxy shit out b4 i extract it .. that shit is a hastle .. lol


Well-Known Member
It basically thorughs you into a complete different dimension if ya ask me. Really not that "fun" at all but a very inspirational experience. Also makes me sweat alot for some reason...meh i'll stick to weed


Active Member
I tried 20x first time in a bong but it didnt really affect me, my friend however was laughing constantly for about 10 miniutes. guess i will have to try higher dosage salvia, maybe 40x? but from what i have heard affects are different each time you do it.
Also i found it quite hard to speak while its affects lasted.


Well-Known Member
sounds like alot of fun. It just sucks that 10x does nothing to me, and I can't find anything stronger than 10x in my town.

weird? my mate came round last night and when i showed him it he laughed because he had 10x last weekend that he ordered off the net and all it did to him was make his vision a little blurry and make him giggle.

he had the stuff i have last night and his experience was similar to mine.

so i guess it all depends on the quality you have? mine was £20 for a gram from my local tattoo shop and i really wouldnt take anything stronger than 10x i dont know how stronger salvia could affect you more than the 10x?

10x is definately strong enough for me for the time :eyesmoke:

if i can find out what i have and where you can get it on the net i will post a link so you can enjoy it. :peace:


Well-Known Member

That is a dead on description of what it is like. Obviously I have never had the cartridges or slots, but Salvia is very personal and I understand what you are describing. Mine is similar in fact that I have doors and choices as well. One thing that is fun to try, that I have been attempting, is to use Salvia as a vehicle to accomplish goals.......I hope this makes sense-Every time I do it my body/mind have a reaction to go inside and down like I'm entering myself/my mind and exploring it. I have been attempting to use Salvia to move out/up not into myself but into the Universe and outer space. Basically, if you do it again give yourself a mission and very gently try to steer the Salvia train towards what you want to see rather than letting it transport you into a dimension you did not initially choose. Good luck, have fun, and always remember it will be over soon.
yeh i understand what you mean gimley, i havent done it again since my first time the other day but iv been thinking of what i can try next time i do it. i would have like to have been calmer and perhaps try slow down my 'slots' (doors) and have a look inside them and try to explore and understand it more. i was really to shocked to try explore things the first time as everything seemed so real and totally forgot that i had done salvia. i totally forgot about the life i was living really.

its something that i will be experimenting with in the future. maybe one day i will be able to control it fully and go where i want to go?


Well-Known Member
yeah it varies alot with salvia on how much different people can tolerate .. it varies so much between people .. not like pot .. i dont like smoking it really ..
check this out on how to make the extract .. if anyone is interested

thanks for the extraction method gilfman. if it proves succesful it could save alot of people money on buying the extracted stuff from the shops/internet

+rep for a good method. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have done a large handful of psychedelics and I truly believe that salvia is not a recreational substance for me. The first time it was so inner-dimensional and spiritual that I was literally in physical shock from the visual/mental images it helped produce.

That being said-I have done it 13 times (always 40x or more) and I feel like it is an untamable beast. I can hang on LSD/Shrooms/Peyote but Salvia still rocks my world. The longest documented time (personal reference) it lasted was 5:13 (thats five mins), it always takes me a few minutes to completely come back but no longer than 5 out per bong rip. I love where it takes me but it is a rough ride full of sweat and confusion. Also, it makes my face look like a crazy person flashing from hysterical to murderous and back again........Have fun, it is fun, but also serious, if you feel scared while on it just remember it will stop soon.....
Normally I hate it when people quote the whole post, but this is SO TRUE and such a riot to read because it's A) funny and B) very close to my experience with Salvia. Not Recreational is perfect!

Salvia is the most powerful drug I have experience with. I tried many types of acid 30 years ago. Tried coke a few times (thought it was a big waste of money and not nearly as much fun as bud). Speed of course. But the ONE big bong hit of 10X Salvia was more intense than anything I'd ever tried. Salvia is a LIVING HIGH. I could have taken all the drugs I'd ever done, all at once, and I wouldn't have been any higher than that. Thankfully, it lasts only about five minutes.

You should be in a safe place to try Salvia and with at least one other, straight (for the moment) person. If you do it right and take a BIG hit, you're gonna need someone to take the lighter and bong out of your hands. And in case of emergency, you have no hope of fleeing, you're pretty much rooted to the spot for at least a minute or two. Yeah, have a spotter.

Worth trying once, or maybe a few times if you like it, but once was enough for me. I'm too old for a roller coaster. This Buds 4(20) me.

Al K. Loid

Active Member
I tried Salvia for the first time yesterday. I started on my deck using a hillbilly propane torch, didn’t have a pocket torch, took a bong rip of some regular salvia leaf and sprinkled some 10X on top. It hit me like a wave or force pushing from my front left, and the intensity of the waves kept coming and coming. I knew then that salvia was something incredibly special. I had only smoked one medium sized load and WOW! I became very happy about this feeling, the incredible strength of it and knew I had to share. So I called some locals and cruised over to share the power of this plant. I loaded my friends them same amount, maybe less, than I had taken previously. (Sorry, no actual weights and measures here, about a small to medium pinch, what could fill 1/2 to 3/4's of normal metal bowl) . I also took another one and didn’t notice much of a change. One friend, the second in line, took his hit and sat and then looked over to me and his faced smashed up to one side like he was feeling the force of it and he started drooling and laughing as he tried to speak, but when he spoke it was in incredibly slow motion, as if the words were being pulled from his mouth very slowly, the sounds were being smeared across the canvas of reality. I knew then I wanted to take a bong rip of the 10X alone. I loaded a fairly decent sized bowl. (I should also note that I smoked with one friend first, and then after we came down from the salvia a little, I was still going pretty well, my head felt very open to possibilities, we smoked a few pot rips from the bong and then loaded a couple smaller bowls of pot in my little glass piece.) I had to leave the area we were smoking to take the 10X rip because we were all laughing sooooo much at the craziness of friend two. I took the rip and as I watched that 10X burn I knew some shit was going to go down. I hit and held and held like you should. The wave came over so me hard. I felt like I was going to fell off the edge of the universe. The wave kept coming so hard. I could feel that pressure on the left side of my face and body, the pressure was so great on my face and tongue I felt as if I was laying on concrete hard and it was pressing against with a great force. I was outside standing and the waves kept trying to push me out of reality. I was spinning in one dimension. It almost felt like I was in a flip book that you can draw for stick figures and flip that pages fast and make them move. At times it seemed if I took a step that step would end up on my friend and I would be standing parallel with the surface of the ground but I knew the surface where I should have been stepping was the ground. It seemed like I would step out of this, kind of like stepping up out of a hole only to have it immediately consume me again. The pages kept turning faster and faster, it felt like I was being pushed down through reality, and the pages turned and they turned me back to a house where I once used to live and my mom was there. And they kept coming faster and faster and harder while I'm trying to maintain some sort of footing and the pages turn and the next thing colors change and as the page turns over me and I step up into the next wave colors changed and took on a Simpson’s television show like quality, like reality looked like the show, it was styled after it. My friends at this time kind of freaked as I was kind of freaking, trying to grab out something or anything to keep the force from push me off the edge. At the same time the force kept coming down on top of me. I knew I had to get out of there, so I told them I was had to get back home and I managed to round up my shit and fought my way back home and got myself back in line finally. The whole trip from the 10X lasted at least 2 hours. The peak lasted a solid 15 or 20 minutes, which seems long from what I have researched. Probably because of all I had smoked before.

I took another leaf and small amount of 10X and a small 10X rip this morning and felt that wave come again. Not so much this time, but still called back to the feeling yesterday. I feel I can really build a tolerance quickly. This definitely a once a month (or longer) type of thing for maximum effect.
I still felt the effects the rest of the night, mostly from the pot but still distinctly different. My brain felt tired.

Be careful with this, RESPECT this stuff. It still trips me out the power taking such a small bit can produce. I got mine from Salvia - Buy Salvia Divinorum. Much respect to this company for having some good shit IMHO. I read a few stories of bunk 6,000,000X or whatever they can come up with. Some real deal 20, 40, 60, 80 etc. would blow my mind. 10X did that quite successfully. I feel the need to plug them because, even though this one my first time the stuff seems primo. And if I am mistaken and it’s not then goddamn I can not comprehend "good shit" at this moment.


Well-Known Member
haha ... my trip only lasted 2 minutes... only bad thing was i couldnt open my eyes .. haha .. lets see .. i laughed through the whole thing .. felt like i was getting morphed into my friends car seat while i felt like a wormhole was sucking me down into his floor of the car and i saw into another dimension in the rearview mirror ... yeah pretty fucking weird .. first and last time i did it .. it was about 15x and homemade


Active Member
call me old fashioned but I'm attracted to achieve the effects by way of using the old methods of ingestion, chew the rolled up leaves whilst I'm out camping, or on a nice day in a field, try and get a nice mellow trip, which will hopefully last longer than the smoking method.

I enjoy smoking the standard 1x leaf for a not so intense high whilst I'm out on a nice day, takes more hits but the effects are more controlled as you only hit til youre happy.

Have tried 35x for first go - was maybe about right for strength/ 2 bongs
have used 60x but was too strong, the trip was so intense I wouldn't comprehend let alone explain it.

Have used wind proof lighters and normal lighters, not much difference IMO.

bonged NO WATER (you don't want the smoke to cool) - best way IMO dont waste your time with rolling it up.

Fill up bowl, light and suck, hold breath for as long as comfortable, exhale, enjoy!
First time tried it; magestical!

Mate tried 35x, got truthfully fucked up, said he had an outer body experience - lasted 5 mins or so

I prefer tripping in complete darkness and/or out in the fields/woods/mountains etc..

Would always recommend having a spotter.

DMT is the next step lol


Well-Known Member
I got some for Christmas last year. I thought as a "family" instead of alcohol we would just try something new. It freaked out my son in law who at the time hadn't been smoking much of anything because of work drug testing. He still won't tell us about it. He never did it again. My daughter loved it. I just laughed until I cried for about 3 minutes and then poof it was over. I have a huge tolerance from Pharmaceuticals It was still a lot of fun I would do it again any time