Sprayed eagle 20 and milk yesterday, harvesting on friday

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Active Member
So my leaves were turning red and purple in my small plastic greenhouse. And some were dying and curling up. Figured it was a virus or powdery mildew so I sprayed eagle 20 and milk which are supposed to be good for powdery mildew.

Well that was yesterday and today the leaves look the same but all my buds looked different. My boss said that hydrogen peroxide and bleach would clean it up. So I sprayed them diluted (duh) and separately a few hors ago so all should be good.

My question. Should I dunk my buds in hydrogen peroxide or azamax when I cut them down or do you think I got it nipped in the butt already?

I have grown organically mostly... except for a few pgrs that I have steadily fed to make the dank.

Thanks in advance!
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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
So my leaves were turning red and purple in my snall pastiche greenhouse. And some were dying and curling up. Figured it was a virus or powdery mildew so I sprayed eagle 20 and milk which are supposed to be good for powdery mildew.

Well that was yesterday and today the leaves look the same but all my buds looked different. My boss said that hydrogen peroxide and bleach would clean it up. So I sprayed them diluted (duh) and separately a few hors ago so all should be good.

My question. Should I dunk my buds in hydrogen peroxide or azamax when I cut them down or do you think I got it nipped in the butt already?

I have grown organically mostly... except for a few pgrs that I have steadily fed to make the dank.

Thanks in advance!
You ruined all you bud. You absolutely can not smoke your weed.......


Active Member
All organic though.. and the amount of eagle 20 was not even a tablespoon. Think I should flush it an extra week or spray more hydrogen peroxide on it?


Well-Known Member
There's a lawsuit in Colorado over this stuff being found in buds being sold at dispensaries - even after they got approved by the State which makes it really interesting since this stuff forms known carcinogens while smoking. It has never been approved for smokable crops. It's not even used on tobacco fields. So yeah, you shouldn't smoke any of that. You could still maybe use it for juicing as it has been approved for edible but I wouldn't as I don't trust regulatory agencies. And when I say edible I don't mean decarbed as that will likely produce the same toxins (some kind of cyanide.. I forget which I am no organic chemist).


Well-Known Member
eagle 20 is made for grass and turf, not for veges or cannabis. if you must use that shit you surely dont use it when flowering. its poison. did you read the label which says 3 weeks before harvest? not that this has any bearing on cannabis, but....


Well-Known Member
eagle 20 is made for grass and turf, not for veges or cannabis. if you must use that shit you surely dont use it when flowering. its poison. did you read the label which says 3 weeks before harvest? not that this has any bearing on cannabis, but....
They allow the shit on food crops here in Canada (Nova 40 actually which is 2x the strength but not in solution so perhaps the solution has other contaminants that change up the allowable use I don't know, but I do know I wouldn't be consuming anything that had been sprayed with either). I'd be surprised if it isn't the same in the States. Obviously non organic.


Well-Known Member
So my leaves were turning red and purple in my small plastic greenhouse. And some were dying and curling up. Figured it was a virus or powdery mildew so I sprayed eagle 20 and milk which are supposed to be good for powdery mildew.

Well that was yesterday and today the leaves look the same but all my buds looked different. My boss said that hydrogen peroxide and bleach would clean it up. So I sprayed them diluted (duh) and separately a few hors ago so all should be good.

My question. Should I dunk my buds in hydrogen peroxide or azamax when I cut them down or do you think I got it nipped in the butt already?

I have grown organically mostly... except for a few pgrs that I have steadily fed to make the dank.

Thanks in advance!
Wait so you spray your plants with bleach?


Well-Known Member
The worst part is that purpling and leaves dying off (the reasons he sprayed it) are often perfectly normal in the autumn

Should I dunk my buds in azamax when I cut them down?
WTF man hell no, absolutely not! Azamax shouldn't really be used more than a couple weeks into flower imo, and that's as a soil drench, not a spray. Anything you spray on the buds will leave a residue which you would end up smoking even if you rinse them off

You can drench buds in diluted H2O2 (which is not a chemical pesticide!) for minor powdery mildew, but it doesn't even sound like you had it.

Neither you nor anyone else should smoke those eagle 20 buds
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Active Member
Ok ok ok.... im very sorry. I've been a lurker on this site for a while and thought that this would be a funny hello thread. I used to be on hempcultivation.c back in the day (2001).

The only thing that I spray on my plants is azamax once every two weeksish and I stop using it a few weeks before flowering.

Re read my first post with the knowledge that I am joking and it should hopefully be funny. Hopefully I didn't piss anyone off. I was going to make the post even more crazy but thought that if I went too overboard that yall would of figured me out.

Thanks to all of the contribut I rs to the site. I plan on starting a few topics about what I learned in my first legal outdoor season.. including cheap greenhouse setups for under 150 bucks and what to expect when you only have 3.5 hours of direct sunlight.


Active Member
Lol np...re read and ask yourself if anyone would attempt such a thing. I have been harvesting my greenhouse and indoor the past 10 days and for the next 10.. I am 100% organic and would rather through out my buds before I put anything on it.

All I have to use is
Earth juice. Grow, bloom, cat, micro nute and meta k
azamax mixed with transport

Grow my own because it's fun, legal and I know what's in my plants.. head up to the foothills of co and I'll prove it :)


Active Member
It was a joke... some people... I know it's the internet but all I know is that people that don't put down or cuss at people are a bit better. Let's make fun of the guy growing at a trailer park who came to us for advice...smh

It was a joke.. been growing for 14 years and have read over a couple dozen books on organic farming... just trying to get a laugh out of people with common sense and who are competent..
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