So when did Justin say we could have HOME GROWS? You say the liberals support FULL legalization I disagree because with out the right to produce our own we are not free. He HAS said he plans on punishing Canadians who don't buy weed from his system which isn't really a system it's just a plain old monopoly any way you slice it. So Google it and come back with what ya find bro.Where do you think it would be sold when it's legal?
Probably not a corner store but I'm willing to lay money on it that you could buy it in places where adults buy beer.
Of course it won't be in a corner store, it's an intoxicant similar to but far safer than alcohol.
I doubt a pack of splifs will be sold beside a pack of cigs in a 7-11 or similar stores.
You guys just want to argue for the sake of arguing, and that's okay.
I've given enough explanation and examples. I don't need to continue.