Thanks Obama!

Perspective, Buck.
He and I both live in Nations with well-developed 3rd quadrant politics.
You and the rest of America don't.

america has a very healthy 3rd quadrant, it's just filled with such reprehensible right wing shit that no one but the lunatic fringe ever votes for it.
I am not aware of his travel experiences. I'm not going to make that judgment, but I do laugh at the "left-right" commentary I see in the US media. And in fairness, Buck does score fairly high on the Socialist scale, otherwise. However, that doesn't change the fact the political environment prevents him from realizing that ideal. He has lamented that point in the past IIRC.

Well, we are likely to test something akin to that hypothesis in Canada after Oct 19th, if the momentum continues rolling the way it is. The promise is to tax the rich (mostly corps), but not for such glib reasons, and that money is going to be funneled into (what appears to be) a shitload of programs across the board to lift the lower quintiles. However, it will be a minority gov't so it's not likely to gain as much traction as they advertise. I also suspect they aren't going to do much in the way of re-nationalizing any industries, for similar reasons, which is too bad; we fucked up when we let our petroleum industry go completely private.
If he ranks so highly on the "Useful Idiot" scale, why does he support Obama and now Hillary?

Our "righties" are orders of magnitude more left than those two clowns.
america has a very healthy 3rd quadrant, it's just filled with such reprehensible right wing shit that no one but the lunatic fringe ever votes for it.

You're talking about the 4th quadrant (remember your Trig? ASTC ?)
And that is still not "left".

If he ranks so highly on the "Useful Idiot" scale, why does he support Obama and now Hillary?

Our "righties" are orders of magnitude more left than those two clowns.

You mean Unionists aren't pushing "free markets" with phrases such as "let's make Ireland great again"?
I guess "We, Ourselves" isn't even close, and that's Sinn Fein's motto, anyway...they certainly are not "right". :lol:
I think your "righties" are factors of magnitude different from ours, even. Granted, Harper really pulled us into the American style of Neo-Con nonsense. I don't recall Mulroney being this much of a bastard in the 80s, although he was representing Progressive-Conservatives, which in retrospect seem similar to Obama.

Gawd.... I never thought of that. Perhaps Obama is on par with Mulroney (aka the Chin) ? That would be an interesting study of comparison.

thanks BarryO for another 25% increase in health care for 2016.

you're only off by 400%.

Feds’ health care costs to increase on average by 6.4 percent

“This is, even with this higher increase than previous four years, which was a very low period, we are still in the midst of the lowest consecutive five-year period of premium increases..."



besides, you're not even paying for it. your wife is on medicaid because you defrauded the system.

you're only off by 400%.

Feds’ health care costs to increase on average by 6.4 percent

“This is, even with this higher increase than previous four years, which was a very low period, we are still in the midst of the lowest consecutive five-year period of premium increases..."



besides, you're not even paying for it. your wife is on medicaid because you defrauded the system.

if i posted the letter i just got it would make you out to be a liar.
if i posted the letter i just got it would make you out to be a liar.

how would your individual experience invalidate the nationwide average increase of 6.4%, the highest in five years, in what has been the historically lowest rate of increases over a five year period?

are you fucking stupid? do you not get how math works?
how would your individual experience invalidate the nationwide average increase of 6.4%, the highest in five years, in what has been the historically lowest rate of increases over a five year period?

are you fucking stupid? do you not get how math works?

You clearly aren't honest or don't understand averages. Read the IRS report on who pays for the free loaders. When you have nearly 50% of the population not contributing their fair share but getting "theirs" what do you think the average will be?

This has been explained to you ad nauseum. Somebody has to pay for you fucks that get the free stuff.

If you weren't such a slime ball you'd demonstrate your appreciation by thanking those that take care of your useless ass.
When you have nearly 50% of the population not contributing their fair share but getting "theirs" what do you think the average will be?

This has been explained to you ad nauseum. Somebody has to pay for you fucks that get the free stuff.

If you weren't such a slime ball you'd demonstrate your appreciation by thanking those that take care of your useless ass.

are you not paying attention?

nitroharley defrauded the government to get social security for his wife that she never earned. she is also on medicaid, too. they contribute nothing and take way more than they ever contributed because they defrauded the system.

who pays for them to do that? me. i pay 15.3% of every dollar i earn to take care of those defrauding mooches.

and that still does nothing to change the fact that healthcare costs have risen slower since obamacare was passed than at any other point in history, dumbass.

such a bitter racist loser you are.
are you not paying attention?

nitroharley defrauded the government to get social security for his wife that she never earned. she is also on medicaid, too. they contribute nothing and take way more than they ever contributed because they defrauded the system.

who pays for them to do that? me. i pay 15.3% of every dollar i earn to take care of those defrauding mooches.

and that still does nothing to change the fact that healthcare costs have risen slower since obamacare was passed than at any other point in history, dumbass.

such a bitter racist loser you are.

My problem with you is that you "skew" the story to fit your agenda. That's equivalent to telling a lie.

Present the whole story and I'll be fine. There is no such thing as "free stuff", somebody has to pay. And those of us who do pay, pay heavily. Read the law and IRS report.

Btw, the full bang on the payroll tax just comes with the territory of being a sole proprietor. Welcome to the real world. Quit your complaining.
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My problem with you is that you "skew" the story to fit your agenda. That's equivalent to telling a lie.

i did not skew anything.


deal with it.

Present the whole story and I'll be fine.

i did.


it was your racist buddy nitro who tried to pretend that his experience was what was happening to everyone.

of course, you gave your racist buddy a pass on that, racist.

There is no such thing as "free stuff", somebody has to pay.

nitro is the one getting the free stuff by means of fraud. i pay for his fraud.

get it right, racist loser.

And those of us who do pay, pay heavily. Read the law and IRS report.

Btw, the full bang on the payroll tax just comes with the territory of being a sole proprietor. Welcome to the real world. Quit your complaining.

so you cry about people getting free shit and others (me) being taxed to pay for it, then you end it all by telling people to stop crying right after you get done crying?

classic racist loser rhetoric.

i'm an LLC by the way.
i did not skew anything.


deal with it.

i did.


it was your racist buddy nitro who tried to pretend that his experience was what was happening to everyone.

of course, you gave your racist buddy a pass on that, racist.

nitro is the one getting the free stuff by means of fraud. i pay for his fraud.

get it right, racist loser.

so you cry about people getting free shit and others (me) being taxed to pay for it, then you end it all by telling people to stop crying right after you get done crying?

classic racist loser rhetoric.

i'm an LLC by the way.

"Federal employees on average will pay 6.4 percent more for health care in 2016.

The Office of Personnel Management announced the rate increase for the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) Tuesday ahead of the open season, which starts Nov. 9.

This increase is double that of 2015 and is the biggest rate change in recent memory."

The above is a quote from your link ... dumb shit! It's speaking to a specific subset of the population. I will state again, read the law and IRS publications if you want to really understand what caps the rate of those that pay for those that can't.

Nitro did not commit fraud. If you read what he described and understood the SS process you would know this. However, if you believe he did, it is then your duty as a "snitch" to turn him in. But then you don't really believe he did, so stop with your nonsense.

Btw, you do understand the difference between the payroll tax and the federal income tax, correct, maybe?
"Federal employees on average will pay 6.4 percent more for health care in 2016.

The Office of Personnel Management announced the rate increase for the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP) Tuesday ahead of the open season, which starts Nov. 9.

This increase is double that of 2015 and is the biggest rate change in recent memory."

The above is a quote from your link ... dumb shit! It's speaking to a specific subset of the population. I will state again, read the law and IRS publications if you want to really understand what caps the rate of those that pay for those that can't.

Nitro did not commit fraud. If you read what he described and understood the SS process you would know this. However, if you believe he did, it is then your duty as a "snitch" to turn him in. But then you don't really believe he did, so stop with your nonsense.

Btw, you do understand the difference between the payroll tax and the federal income tax, correct, maybe?

hey god,

the letter i just got from my health care provider says my monthly costs are going up 145.00 more per month. which is a 25% increase . it was 20% last year. these are the two largest increases i have ever experienced for health care, ever.
This increase is double that of 2015 and is the biggest rate change in recent memory.

unless you go back to the days before obamacare, when premiums tripled in a mere 20 years.

Nitro did not commit fraud.

yes he did.

his wife never worked or paid into SS but now collects. somehow she gets medicaid too, even though they claim to make hundreds of thousands a year. that's fraud.

Btw, you do understand the difference between the payroll tax and the federal income tax, correct, maybe?

the federal income tax is what i pay after i pay my 15.3% FICA. you dumb or something?