What am I doing wrong?

I'm new at growing and I need help to figure out what's wrong with my plants. I have 4 plants and 2 are flowering and the other 2 are alittle yellow and drooping and haven't progressed to flowering yet. Any advice on the condition of these plants and how to fix it will be very appreciated.


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Yea it is a sativa it's a Thailand strain called thai stick. And I'm growing them in small pots to keep them small and discreet. But I'll take ur advice and plant them in a bigger pot.
I didn't 2 of them flowered on there own and the other 2 seem to be stuck in veg state but I do see some white hairs peeking out so they're starting to flower but seem to be suffering as well. I live in vermont and it gets very cold this time of year.
Get them repotted ASAP with as least stress as possible and you should be fine .........also remember to let your soil dry well before you water in the future Good luck
dude, you can see the roots on the top of the pot - you're aren't growing corn there. make sure you cover up all the roots if you repot. BTW it's better to train them down in a bigger pot than to use a tiny pot and make them over grow it. Look into LST and supercropping
hold up you said you let two flower on there own whats that mean?? and no don't use that salt it has perfume in it and can kill them! Also yes on bigger pots and if you are letting them get light when they should be in dark will slow that also! What kind off light you using?
I was growing outside but since its too cold out I have to bring them inside.
From the looks of things and how far along they are I think indoors is the only chance you got at getting anything off of those because of how late it is already ........but at least you have the option to do so
Yea one day i came home from work and checked my plants in my green house outside and one started to flower. I'm only using fluorescent 40 watt lights because I'm not prepared because I planned on growing outside.


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you only need to water every 3 or 4 days and they will live in 30 degree just not frost give them some N and put in geen house