Bricked Weed, advice?


New Member
Hey guys, first time poster apologies if i have posted in the wrong place but here's what I've got. I normally get my weed as nice fluffy buds but this time I have a very compressed and and sticky brick. My question is should i just smoke this stuff as is or is there any way I can try and fluff it up a bit ?

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We used to get oz's of compressed weed from asia in the years b4 indoor, we would steam them(over a kettle while boiling) and then put the block in a zip lock bag overnight, they would be double in size overnight. Was always awesome weed but the beans always grew hermaphrodite.
If it was as compressed as the ones we used to get, you could not break then up til you steamed them, that newfangled grinder thingy would not break them up, same as the original tied sticks they were bound so tight and dry you were wasting your money if did not steam them first.
That weed looks gross. used to get bud like that from mexico years ago when i was young.
I wouldent worry about fluffing it up through, unless for resell. Even then if you steam it i.e. put moisrure in it, itll still have a good chance of fluffing up to a stringy/ kinda loose structure.