Fightin' Words: Bernie Sanders Readies for the Big Debate
I think you're confusing Corporations and People again.we must be the war machine, would halliburton survive (and all of the other -45%'ers)? and 'we the people' must pay for it..not the -45%'ers..does anyone understand that the american poor financially support this and the rich pay not ONE penny..?
by joe! i think i've coined a new term!
the -45%'ers.
You're an idiot- you don't even have enough of a grasp on what I said to refute it intelligently, so I'm not going to bother discussing it with you.
What matters to me is my decision, you don't get to complain about it.
What matters to me is the continued prosperity of myself, my family and my progeny; entirely enough reasons to be very concerned indeed about the direction our country is headed and why.
he is focusing on getting rid of the likes of you in our government..
I'm not refuting anything. I want to understand your thought process, specifically how the 1 percent'ers are holding you down.
What are you trying to say? You can't or won't compete without societal structural changes? What exactly is preventing you or your family from achieving a better financial position now? How's the "man" holding you down?
If you're waiting for some economic governmental restructure to socialism, what is it that you'd do differently when it occurs vs now?
What are your plans if the "hope and change" thingy doesn't work out any better this time around? Are you going to cry, starve or have to find a real job?
such a ridiculous statement..
they don't pay taxes which leaves 'us' to pay them.
Sky, on an absolute level, who pays more taxes, the top 10% or the lower 30%? Stop being silly.
God, part of the equation is how many of the lower 30% are there?
x(10%) + y(30%)..which value has more people?..x or y?
if it costs, let's say $50k to live reasonably well in the US..when you take 30% are no longer living reasonably well..
no response necessary..this debate is stale.
Compare the ratio of absolute federal taxes paid by the top 10% vs the bottom 90%.
If you haven't done that before it'll be eye opening. A few years ago the top 10% paid about 70% of the federal income tax collected. I haven't looked at the numbers for the past couple of years. I don't expect it to be much different.
You are aware, that a family of 4 with a mortgage making 70K pays essentially no significant federal taxes to speak of.
The fact is, the 1 percent'ers aren't holding anybody back from getting theirs .... that's a myth.
Compare the ratio of absolute federal taxes paid by the top 10% vs the bottom 90%.
If you haven't done that before it'll be eye opening. A few years ago the top 10% paid about 70% of the federal income tax collected. I haven't looked at the numbers for the past couple of years. I don't expect it to be much different.
You are aware, that a family of 4 with a mortgage making 70K pays essentially no significant federal taxes to speak of.
The fact is, the 1 percent'ers aren't holding anybody back from getting theirs .... that's a myth.
Are you talking income taxes or capital gains?Time you read up on some income statistics. Your assertions simply aren't supported by the facts.
And back to the 'lazy!' trope he goes...
Since 2007, the only group in America that's gotten a raise is the one percent. They got it by not paying taxes.
That shouldn't be too hard to understand, even for your feeble mind.
Time you read up on some income statistics. Your assertions simply aren't supported by the facts.
Since 2007, the only group in America that's gotten a raise is the one percent. They got it by not paying taxes.
When you guys fuck it up, we'll just offer all your rich asylum here and offer them excellent banking services.