An honest addictions post

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
I didnt want to put this in T&T as itd get bent over like a dick with an obese hooker.

I was addicted oxycodone specifically for 4 years, prescribed to my better half so it was free. We used to get so high and play call of duty, I remember times wed be playing and id fall asleep smoking a cig burn myself while my character is running into a wall!!! "Good times."

We moved to a city for COLLEGE, ended up getting addicted to heroin since it was much cheaper (we lost our script.) I have now been 2.5 years clean, on methadone for 3 years. I go 6 days a week, an hour round trip every fucking morning plus it costs 110$\week. I have an awesome job and am lucky for my position there. I recently started drinking daily after work, everything was "fine" until this morning where I got a breathalyzer and failed, meaning I dont get my daily dose.

Im currently tapering, so missing even one dose put me into a slight withdrawl. My mom passed away from alcohol and my dad was a liquorhead himself. (Just made that word up.) Drugs have put my world upside down, dam near litteraly and I am always paranoid about tickets that need to be paid (Cant have random warrant as I grow illegally.)

I dont talk to anyone I grew up with as they all identify with some sort of hustle\drug and I wonder why I talked to them in the first place. Im not normally someone who makes threads like this, Im just in a bad spot and I guess want to see what people have to say whether you been in my shoes or not.

Im @123mg of methadone and going down slowly at 2/mg a week. Please dont bash me, Im really a good person under this cloak of addiction.. Im half drunk now or I wouldnt even post this so please understand where im coming from. Thank you.
I was about to delete this thread but Im goad I didnt. Thank you for posting, it really does help..

Qwizo, I remember a post you did sometime back talking about you and ur girl laying in bed high talking about your future and whatnot. Same thing here man, life couldnt be better at times when I was eating pills. Never got the same feeling from dope, could dam near OD and still not the same.

Thanks qwizo, and TexasJack.
I know about addiction(pills) but not methadone or heroine. My exes nephew got kicked off of methadone suddenly and the guy came down really hard. He ended having to go in the hospital. God bless bro. Hope you make it thru man.
Thank you for the post and the kind words at the end.
I feel for your exs nephew, I literally couldnt imagine cold turkying.

Thanks again dude.
Hey bud. Tough spot to be in, and nothing to be ashamed over.

I used to play hockey and didnt touch any drugs (we got tested). I ended up with a career ending injury which required a brutal surgery. They had me on oxycontins for 3 months. When the 3 months was up, and I had to stop taking the pills, I was sick as fuck and decided to buy more instead from some cat I knew that sold them. I continued eating those fuckers for months. Not anything near what you've been through, but I got a taste of it. The high is fantastic no doubt, but being clean and clear headed is even better. Took me a good 3-4 months for that fog to lift.

I'm pulling for you bro. Good on you too for putting it out there. It's good to talk about it and know you're not alone.
I was convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine at 16, took my life away went to prison as a kid got out, got addicted to research chemicals...that took my life away even more, ended up breaking probation getting 11 years suspended, 7 years probation, I know how it is to be an addict, everyone I work with still does it and I used to be their supplier its so hard not to take a hit off a beeb and just say fuck everything, when I was withdrawing in county jail awaiting court I litteraly felt like my insides were being ripped apart...rough life man...just hae to pick our I grow with a card, helps me stay clean...
Dont subsitute it for alcohol though brother, ive seen liquids kill more than the dope...find an outlet, dont know you from day or night but f you ever feel like getting something off your chest shoot me a pm..ill listen bud I know how the fuck it goes.
I was addicted to opiates for a while,oxy and percs etc. It got pretty gnarly towards the end but fortunately I never got into heroin. I used suboxone to stop.

I ended up being on it for several years which some people see as trading one addiction for another but being on sub was way different than being on regular opiates for me. It allowed me to change my life and once I felt strong and had zero desire to use opiates any more I tapered off at a glacial pace so there wasnt any discomfort and have been great since.
Ive seen a lot of stories where people have injuries and end up addicted to pills. Wish there was a safe alternative, with the same goal of "pain management."

I wish I wouldve done sub instead of methadone. I missed my dose yesterday and wasnt feeling nice this morning (Im not on a stable dose, its too low to begin with but im scared to go up.)

I ended up drinking again yesterday just a few shots, quit at 6pm and drank alot of water afterwards. They ended up forgetting to breathalyze me anyway, until the 2nd nurse said something to thd nurse dosing me. I shit you not I grabbed my dose and drank it quick!

Im done drinking now though. Im glad I made this thread, I wont forget who you guys are. Thank you. (The picture is of two cars I cleaned for a photoshoot. I cant believe how different I am under the influence of captain morgan.)
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While I have you here qwiz, you made that thread on how you make your ISO. I have a bunch of sugar trim/bud I didnt want to trim. Do you suggest I follow that guide (Is it your uptodate technique?)
The only crystals you need....
View attachment 3496112
Good hash "oil"

But seriously it will help with will xanax
Just dont turn to zannies like me
Ya man, first post on qwizos qwiso is really how most people should go about it. Basic and proper
If not experienced i wouldnt go fresh frozen but it is the best way.

No heat during purge.
"Frozen" everything during extraction
If buds or dense larf. Cutting with scissors after you freeze the herb is best especially if wet.
Stage filtering so it doesnt sit in solution too long.
Keep out of the light
Thank you for deleting the picture moderator, I asked and you got it done super quick. I get really edgy and am trying to relax!

Im about to quit my job and move to a legal state, just waiting to see if my state could pass a law soon. (Hand shaped)
Grats on knocking down opiates Kind Sir, got the same background as you with dope... Did Crystal meth & Heroin for odd 15~ years after getting into methadone/subutex program in which I was for 7 years, now writing this 100% clean and my drug of choice is THC (not even close to being legal here in Finland, but cops don't care too much about marihuana growers.) that helps with my depression and totally messed up brain chemistry + INSANE amounts of gym and boxing.

Stay strong dude!
I've decided to quit drinking today. Been off and on for 3 years now I'm hoping I can stay away from it for good this time.
Im glad to hear it. I also quit drinking (drank last night and did blow, shouldnt have but its done.) get a gym membership, it really helps. I go to a place called planet fitness and it bas massage chairs/beds,tanning if youd like, red light treatment (its good for your skin..) and of course their bad ass weight room/machines and free weights
I also did blow last night first time in over a year can't go out anymore it's everywhere. After a few drinks I can't say no. Now I can't donate blood for 12 months I have a special blood type they really need it. Thanks for the advice the best gym we have around here is the aquatic center it has a few Olympic swimming pools, hot tubs I'm thinking of joining.