Pistils turning brown too early on one branch?


New Member
This is my first time growing, ive done alot of research and consider myself somewhat educated on growing but ive run into a problem with my plant growing outdoors.The pistils on one branch are turning brown prematurely. The rest of the plant looks great its just the one branch. What could the problem be?
Bad Branch
IMG_20150901_173816_793.jpg IMG_20150901_174038_168.jpg IMG_20150901_173832_537.jpg
Good Flowers
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Get a loup and look...that 1st picture you see that fan leaf that's canoeing where it meets together?
Since its only on one let I dno about heat...look up russet mites bro..go get some dematacious earth (dno spelling) and put directly on that fan leaf thats cannoing
Fuck id may cut my loses and cut that off? And start looking on other branches at the fan leads as well!! Start looking into preventative and attack measures...let me guess your in California?
@wiethe20 Yeah im in Cali. I looked at the branch closely and couldnt find any evidence of russet mites, i did see a few small white bugs though. The rest of the plant is doing great, its budding nicely and showing good thc production.

White bug
My baby

your girl looks great-i just looked at one of my girls who is approaching week 5 and while she has mostly white pistils there are a few nugs (and just on one branch too) that clearly show pistils that have started changing color. while yours does seem to be early in showing so much on that one branch--overall because she looks good--i wouldn't worry about it. definitely verify your girl doesn't have bugs; that picture you provided indicating a bug doesn't really show much and you'd need advice from an experienced outdoor grower on that issue. if the only thing you're worried about is the pistils, i'd stop worrying and enjoy her! :blsmoke:
@undercovergrow Thanks. Im just going to keep a close eye on her. I had some leaf miner damage on the lover leaves so i removed those and looked for anymore but other than that shes been doing great.
@undercovergrow Thanks. Im just going to keep a close eye on her. I had some leaf miner damage on the lover leaves so i removed those and looked for anymore but other than that shes been doing great.
What size loupe did you use? Im hoping not naked eye...ug can be absolutely be right but I have just seen to many threads past week with the same thing looks identical to yours, one branch , fan leaves canoeing where it meets...not like heat where its all the way to the tip (this is backwards...a good indication)...just be careful if I can find the thread ill post it
@wiethe20 the fan leaves on the branch with the browning pistils do seem to be canoeing. What could that be a sign of?
if they are getting a light tanish-brown color at the tips of the pistils and the preflower calyx, then it's russets most likely.
They'll just slow down and eventually stop and die, you need to do something now before it gets to that, they'll stunt you plants severely, I've seen plants literally prune themselves after a bad infestation, after spraying and getting them under control the growing tips are often damaged to the point of the plant ignoring it as a growing area, effectively pruning it.