Thanks Obama!

How about this Obama sucks as a president not because he is black, but because he is a liar and has no shame.

"The most transparent administraton" turned into a sneaky lying one.

Bowe Bergdahl..... A fucking deserter. He negotiated with terrorists.

"If you like your plan you could keep it".... Cuz that worked out well. Same thing with the doctor.

He also said he would put a stop to spying on US citizens..... But nope.

Ed snowden is a hero, and Obama wants him in prison.

It's not about race, he is a fuck up. If he was white he would be a fuck up too.
That makes just as much sense as people booing Santa Claus! :roll:


Because we all know free shit, really is free. SUBSIDEEZ!!! Progressive thinking like yours and the boondoggles they spawn, are SOLELY responsible for the $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities we face. But, let me guess, they don't matter because they don't really exist, right? Since I'm labelled as a science denier, I guess that makes you all basic math deniers.
Because we all know free shit, really is free. SUBSIDEEZ!!! Progressive thinking like yours and the boondoggles they spawn, are SOLELY responsible for the $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities we face. But, let me guess, they don't matter because they don't really exist, right? Since I'm labelled as a science denier, I guess that makes you all basic math deniers.
Because we all know free shit, really is free. SUBSIDEEZ!!! Progressive thinking like yours and the boondoggles they spawn, are SOLELY responsible for the $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities we face. But, let me guess, they don't matter because they don't really exist, right? Since I'm labelled as a science denier, I guess that makes you all basic math deniers.

For the win!!!:clap::clap::clap:
Sorry guys, i hate all political parties equally, but i stand with rand. He has showed me that if nothing else he won't spy on me. No matter who we elect they will fail. The system is owned by corporations, so i might as well vote for the guy that will leave me alone while he fucks up.

Sanders is a socialist and the is the equivalent of the high school president that buys votes with a pizza party. He will give us all free shit, then make us pay for it in other ways.
Thanks Obama,...a Senator who is retiring next year, out of nowhere, all of the sudden has voiced her approval to block a Congressional move to black the Iran deal. Now it don`t need to be voted on.

Well,...while her retirement package just got better,...Iran just got what they want..... A no holds barred, ability to make a first strike. Mr. Kerry says,...but, but,.....but, but,...they said.....Obama, slightly off to the right says, yup, yup,...yup, I was there,...they said.....
Meanwhile, the fishbowl starts to fill with water that penetrates the table and does not ever in human times recede. It also rains down I-29 from above over and throughout lands NE of the fishbowl out to the Pacific.

My Proton paper is scribbled and theirs don`t exist, all one needs to do is ask one question two different ways.

1) If Iran builds a bomb illegally and against the worlds wants, then uses it suddenly (best option) Who`s to blame when they used it ?

2) If Iran is given a shake`n`bake after making promises and assurances, then suddenly detonates one, ..... Who`s to blame when they used it ?

The answer to both is ...Iran, the world will castrate Iran for it, in scenario (1),....... the world will castrate the US in scenario (2),....The world will never see that flash in the case of scenario (3)

Scenario (2) works for Iran through failure or success. It`s they way to go, promises and assurances are all they need to make, because when the lights go out, ...Iran stands to order,....Who care`s ?

So that Hillary, what difference it makes.........
Sorry guys, i hate all political parties equally, but i stand with rand. He has showed me that if nothing else he won't spy on me. No matter who we elect they will fail. The system is owned by corporations, so i might as well vote for the guy that will leave me alone while he fucks up.

Sanders is a socialist and the is the equivalent of the high school president that buys votes with a pizza party. He will give us all free shit, then make us pay for it in other ways.

Sanders is a draft dodger that has deep feelings and concerns for US vets,.....OK olly......
So the mad scientist can understand,....Win, lose or draw, ..... promises kept or broken, ....lives lost or saved, spent or made,... like it or not,......I`m retired,.....that bomb will go boom............ !i
Well, quite interesting.
Because I have been quite busy with the three dimensional world, I have not logged onto virtual reality for a few days now.
I see that there have been zero posts attempting to substantively refute any of my OP points.
The true extent of this drama will unfold in the next few years...the Post Obama era...hahaha...stay tuned!
Ill put 500 bucks on our next president being a republican. Clinton has no chance, she is a bad joke. Bernie has no spine and If he wasn't offering free shit he wouldn't even be relevant.

Who ever wins the GOP primary will be the next president.
Ill put 500 bucks on our next president being a republican. Clinton has no chance, she is a bad joke. Bernie has no spine and If he wasn't offering free shit he wouldn't even be relevant.

Who ever wins the GOP primary will be the next president.
I'll take that bet and I'll be quoting this post on Nov. 3, 2016
Thanks Obama,...a Senator who is retiring next year, out of nowhere, all of the sudden has voiced her approval to block a Congressional move to black the Iran deal. Now it don`t need to be voted on.

Well,...while her retirement package just got better,...Iran just got what they want..... A no holds barred, ability to make a first strike. Mr. Kerry says,...but, but,.....but, but,...they said.....Obama, slightly off to the right says, yup, yup,...yup, I was there,...they said.....
Meanwhile, the fishbowl starts to fill with water that penetrates the table and does not ever in human times recede. It also rains down I-29 from above over and throughout lands NE of the fishbowl out to the Pacific.

My Proton paper is scribbled and theirs don`t exist, all one needs to do is ask one question two different ways.

1) If Iran builds a bomb illegally and against the worlds wants, then uses it suddenly (best option) Who`s to blame when they used it ?

2) If Iran is given a shake`n`bake after making promises and assurances, then suddenly detonates one, ..... Who`s to blame when they used it ?

The answer to both is ...Iran, the world will castrate Iran for it, in scenario (1),....... the world will castrate the US in scenario (2),....The world will never see that flash in the case of scenario (3)

Scenario (2) works for Iran through failure or success. It`s they way to go, promises and assurances are all they need to make, because when the lights go out, ...Iran stands to order,....Who care`s ?

So that Hillary, what difference it makes.........

Have you even read the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action? Do you realize that this deal was negotiated by the P5+1? Do you know what the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty is, or its components? We're giving Iran "First Strike Capabilities?" Do you even know what First Strike Capabilities are?

As it stands, Iran cannot, and will not have first strike capabilities. Iran does not even have a super scary weapons geared rocketry program. While they might have the most Ballistic Missiles in the Middle East, Israel for example has a wider range of ballistic missiles (though less in number). Most of Iran's ballistics missiles are acquired from foreign sources, sort of like North Korea - and if you pay any attention to the news you'll notice that all of North Korea's missiles that are suppose to be capable of hitting California fall short of Japan into the ocean.

As it stands Iran is going to reduce the amount of centrifuges it has. From 19,000 to 6,104 the majority of these being used to enrich uranium. Uranium isn't that scary, what would be scary is if Iran wanted to make Light Water Reactors because these are made to refine Deuterium or what makes a thermonuclear weapon (a weapon that uses nuclear fission to create a fusion reaction and is much, much more powerful than what you could make out of a uranium bomb which is simply a fission weapon) (like the majority of our arsenal now is).

Also under the JCPOA Iran is reducing their stockpile of 10,000 kg of low-enriched uranium (LEU) to 300 kg of 3.67 percent LEU for 15 years. This is a MAJOR setback to any sort of weapons program, and even then all the extra stockpiles, reactors, and centrifuges are going to be placed under IAEA monitored storage. Under the JCPOA Iran has also agreed to cease its weapons program, and its high level enrichment which meant that it would take Iran about 2-3 months to enrich enough Uranium for a weapon, now it will take them at least a year to do it - but since most of their centrifuges and reactors that are capable of doing this will be shut down or placed under the IAEA they cannot simply up and enrich uranium.

Also under the JCPOA Iran agreed to, "The IAEA will have regular access to all of Iran’s nuclear facilities, including to Iran’s enrichment facility at Natanz and its former enrichment facility at Fordow, and including the use of the most up-to-date, modern monitoring technologies." And also Iran "has agreed to implement the Additional Protocol of the IAEA, providing the IAEA much greater access and information regarding Iran’s nuclear program, including both declared and undeclared facilities." What does the Additional Protocol of the IAEA call for?
  1. State provision of information about, and IAEA access to, all parts of a State’s nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mines to nuclear waste and other locations where nuclear material intended for non-nuclear uses is present;
  2. State provision of information on, and IAEA short-notice access to, all buildings on a site;
  3. State provision of information about, and IAEA access to, a State’s nuclear fuel cycle research and development activities not involving nuclear material;
  4. State provision of information on the manufacture and export of sensitive nuclear-related equipment and material, and IAEA access to manufacturing and import locations in the State;
  5. IAEA collection of environmental samples beyond declared locations, when deemed necessary by the IAEA; and
  6. a simplified procedure for designation of IAEA inspectors, the issuance of multiple entry/exit visas and IAEA use of internationally established systems of communications.
Yeah, Iran is not making fissible material for at least 15 years.

As far as first strike capabilities go? Hardly. As it stands the US has first strike capabilities against China and Russia (yes we know where their missiles are, even their mobile launching systems, and we have subs in the Pacific), and this isn't exactly a "good thing," because it makes other states very nervous when the power of balance is tipped like this.
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Have you even read the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action? Do you realize that this deal was negotiated by the P5+1? Do you know what the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty is, or its components? We're giving Iran "First Strike Capabilities?" Do you even know what First Strike Capabilities are?

As it stands, Iran cannot, and will not have first strike capabilities. Iran does not even have a super scary weapons geared rocketry program. While they might have the most Ballistic Missiles in the Middle East, Israel for example has a wider range of ballistic missiles (though less in number). Most of Iran's ballistics missiles are acquired from foreign sources, sort of like North Korea - and if you pay any attention to the news you'll notice that all of North Korea's missiles that are suppose to be capable of hitting California fall short of Japan into the ocean.

As it stands Iran is going to reduce the amount of centrifuges it has. From 19,000 to 6,104 the majority of these being used to enrich uranium. Uranium isn't that scary, what would be scary is if Iran wanted to make Light Water Reactors because these are made to refine Deuterium or what makes a thermonuclear weapon (a weapon that uses nuclear fission to create a fusion reaction and is much, much more powerful than what you could make out of a uranium bomb which is simply a fission weapon) (like the majority of our arsenal now is).

Also under the JCPOA Iran is reducing their stockpile of 10,000 kg of low-enriched uranium (LEU) to 300 kg of 3.67 percent LEU for 15 years. This is a MAJOR setback to any sort of weapons program, and even then all the extra stockpiles, reactors, and centrifuges are going to be placed under IAEA monitored storage. Under the JCPOA Iran has also agreed to cease its weapons program, and its high level enrichment which meant that it would take Iran about 2-3 months to enrich enough Uranium for a weapon, now it will take them at least a year to do it - but since most of their centrifuges and reactors that are capable of doing this will be shut down or placed under the IAEA they cannot simply up and enrich uranium.

Also under the JCPOA Iran agreed to, "The IAEA will have regular access to all of Iran’s nuclear facilities, including to Iran’s enrichment facility at Natanz and its former enrichment facility at Fordow, and including the use of the most up-to-date, modern monitoring technologies." And also Iran "has agreed to implement the Additional Protocol of the IAEA, providing the IAEA much greater access and information regarding Iran’s nuclear program, including both declared and undeclared facilities." What does the Additional Protocol of the IAEA call for?
  1. State provision of information about, and IAEA access to, all parts of a State’s nuclear fuel cycle, from uranium mines to nuclear waste and other locations where nuclear material intended for non-nuclear uses is present;
  2. State provision of information on, and IAEA short-notice access to, all buildings on a site;
  3. State provision of information about, and IAEA access to, a State’s nuclear fuel cycle research and development activities not involving nuclear material;
  4. State provision of information on the manufacture and export of sensitive nuclear-related equipment and material, and IAEA access to manufacturing and import locations in the State;
  5. IAEA collection of environmental samples beyond declared locations, when deemed necessary by the IAEA; and
  6. a simplified procedure for designation of IAEA inspectors, the issuance of multiple entry/exit visas and IAEA use of internationally established systems of communications.
Yeah, Iran is not making fissible material for at least 15 years.

As far as first strike capabilities go? Hardly. As it stands the US has first strike capabilities against China and Russia (yes we know where their missiles are, even their mobile launching systems, and we have subs in the Pacific), and this isn't exactly a "good thing," because it makes other states very nervous when the power of balance is tipped like this.

First and foremost, their bombs will go boom, not ba-boom,....that`s how stupid they are over there. (if at all)

Second, there is only one requirement for first strike capabilities, ...Possession. (that`s how stupid you are)

Third, What one says and what one does, are two different things, so the assurances from Iran (with their record of defiance) are according to Who ? (Hillary was dumb enough to trust the guys in Benghazi, so Kerry is dumb enough to trust the guys in Iran)

Fourth, How does blowing up their bomb 15 years from now, versus tomorrow,....make anything better ?

Fifth, You wont be schooling me,...The kind of generator they will get has a heat core that spits out weapons grade waste so the reactor don`t go boom. Yup, that`s right, guess what they will be more than happy to reduce ? Hints,...they don`t need them anymore....they spin heavy material( U-238) to the outer edges and concentrate the less heavy material (U235) inside the vessel.....I call them spinny thingy`s ?????? C`mon,....Guess ?

Why is it we spend hundreds of millions in the last forty years trying to reduce thermonuclear capabilities in the world, ..... and with the stroke of a pen,... waste all that by sponsoring a new member to the Nuclear Family? For free, they didn`t earn it, they threatened their way in,...and we cowered.

People like you need to stop protecting idiots like John Kerry,....He didn`t even get his name right on his neutron paper. He thought it was a menu........
Oh, bout that NK shit,.....they were not fueled to go to destination, they were fueled to go through the stages, that`s how you test a rocket, you shoot a blank,
For the rest of you stoners, Iran will be able to or already has a material bomb, they blow up only what material is put into it. The kind of bombs the US, Russia, and China can throw, make fuel as they burn and only stop because they have no where else to go. VERY LARGE BA BOOM......
Did you know global warming is real, man made, and not a hoax?

Also, nice copy and paste.

Also, who cares what a racist loser like you thinks?

Maybe if we treat the all powerful earth better then we wont fight so much. Global warming is genius
I'll take that bet and I'll be quoting this post on Nov. 3, 2016

I agree , i bet Hillary bust through all this and wins the election. Although it would all to government negligence and corruption, this will still prolly occur. THANX OBAMA!

Personally idc, but I bet this shitty ass administration that pushed all the low wage jobs to mexicans then all the good jobs left to mexico, brazil, india and china and now no one has a good job that comes with benefits. Can pull off a pardon

Walmart in Romainia is better than my ditch.shit.job