science: multiculturalism and integration diminishes racism

First, by acknowledging that white people aren't oppressed.

How does white oppression relate to Black/Indian relations in the UK ?

Multiculturalism includes all races of poor people living in the UK, Multiculturalism is a product of putting poor people in the same low class housing area

i find it amusing that a study was posted about poor people in poor areas by the independent newspaper

the article was an exercise in "slumming" you fell for it lol

Poor people are oppressed, they have a shorter life expectancy, some poor people are white
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An indian guy and a black guy both hold views that each other are inferior
both raised in the UK and are UK citizens

Black guy calls indian guy a suicide bomber, indian guy calls black guy a nig-nog

both do not wish their races to integrate , both of these men hate each other more than they hate white people

how do you blame white people for this and what type of racism is it ?

yet another 100% true and totally cool story from the storyteller.
Actually he supports the UKIP, which is the british version of the KKK

skunkd0uche does, he is also a member of "freedom rebels", a supposedly group of "sovereign" citizens who feel pedophilia laws and other laws do not apply to them, like rob roy. that probably explains why he can';t stop defending rob roy, who advocates for racial segregation and refuses to condemn pedophilia.

but i was replying to tinybonerjackoff, whose position on immigration is shared here in our own country by no other than the KKK.

but he's totally not racist or anything.
This translates to
"conflict between Indian and black communities does not fit with your agenda of trolling"

maybe you are not aware that many Indians believe that dark skin is ugly
they do not want to breed with black people
they may accept white people into their family but its still not preferred
but black is a big no no, would bring shame on them

did indians come up with this themselves ?
or did a white man indoctrinate them to believe this ?

you will find many more white black interracial couples than Indian/black

it's more like this thread does not fit with your agenda of advocating for racial segregation.

kill yourself.
yet another 100% true and totally cool story from the storyteller.
skunkd0uche does, he is also a member of "freedom rebels", a supposedly group of "sovereign" citizens who feel pedophilia laws and other laws do not apply to them, like rob roy. that probably explains why he can';t stop defending rob roy, who advocates for racial segregation and refuses to condemn pedophilia.

but i was replying to tinybonerjackoff, whose position on immigration is shared here in our own country by no other than the KKK.

but he's totally not racist or anything.

Cry much LOL ?
You believe it is okay to force people into human interactions using the same mode a rapist does...force.

so you finally found a store that was forced to be open to the public?

I've never advocated for anybody to be a racist, I think it's stupid and a poor way to judge an individual.

i asked you how you would go about kicking black people out of stores in the most oeaceful way possible, and you literally advocated for people to hang signs uninviting black people based on their skin color.

this is fact.
Multiculturalism is a product of putting poor people in the same low class housing area

you are literally a retarded person.

what you are trying to say is that races only mix if they are forced to. you are pushing a debunked and racist notion that people will naturally segregate themselves if they are able to.

that is categorically false, but it is very revealing about your racist, segregationist mindset.
Would you expect folk not to ridicule finshaggy ?
you're the new fin, the sooner you accept this the less butthurt you'll be
Actually everyone's laughing at you. Somewhere out there, is a tree, tirelessly producing oxygen so that you can breathe.

Mon think you owe that tree an apology.

But see, unlike Buck, I don't come here to be praised. I come here to be laughed at. If people are laughing at me then I am doing exactly what I set out to do. ;)

many Indians believe that dark skin is ugly
they do not want to breed with black people
they may accept white people into their family but its still not preferred
So they think that their children will have more opportunities if they have fairer skin? Don't they know that white people are oppressed?