exotic and greenpoint seeds

My last HashB Pheno #7 it really doesn't have the taste I was hoping for but its chunky and sugary with a decent medicinal relief but it could be better.20150825_192343.jpg The new RB getting a little tiny soak with a drop of Super Thrive and a Drop of Hygrozyme and I get a better germination they are faster with better ratio and with more vigor to them. I will try and do a grow report for the Irene fans out there and for all my Freebies.
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I tried to take myself off their email list. I keep getting emails from green point every other day of a new release. I had to send greenpoint emails to spam. That company won't last. Just a fly by night make as much money before the jig is up company
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Archive. That dude is all about multiple back crossings. I haven't ran his strains. I have conversed with him on breeding. In my experience too much back crossing will lower quality, potency and stability.
Archive. That dude is all about multiple back crossings. I haven't ran his strains. I have conversed with him on breeding. In my experience too much back crossing will lower quality, potency and stability.

in the name of locking down traits it is a nesscary evil... all my heirloom seeds grow slower than my poly's ... i am pretty sure the only true hybrid in my garden is nev haze as f10haze x f7northernlights male....
i am endevoring to make some more:)
I canceled on the Exotics Cookies & Cream luckily in time:smile:. Im so thankful they didn't send them out as fast. Ill be getting some packs from a buddy who cant run them, so that will be sweet and probably work out even better .
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