Do you share joints with people? (or bongs, vapor, etc etc..)

Do you share? (Joints, Bongs, Vaporizors, etc etc..)

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I was just sitting here wondering how meany of you are like myself? I have been using Cannabis for aprox 19 years, in the beginning (like the first 2 years) when I first got introduced to Cannabis I would always smoke joints that had been passed around or bongs or whatever.

One day I was smoking with some girls from my school and I ended up getting super sick(mono), after that I would never share a joint with anyone(not even my best buds). Once in a blue moon I will share, but I will avoid it at all cost.

I do not want you to confuse it with greed, if I am with a buddy who uses if I am rolling up I will always give them something to roll(if they are in need) I would rather do that then share a spliff with them. Because it is medical for me, I do not see how passing a joint around with people random or not will help me.

Because of the fact that i had mono and also a lung infection due to a moldy class room in high school I get sick super easy from other peoples germs.

Anyways what is your guys take on it? like I said once in a blue if someone passes me a joint I will take it and the only reason I do take it when that happens is I do not want to disrespect that person.

I always go to Cannabis events and it amazes me how people will just grab a doobie being passed to them or a pipe or a bong etc etc, it grosses me out when I see it, specially because with in our community a lot of people are sick.
Only with my wife. If I'm in a group I'll just smoke my pipe and leave them to their joints.

Drives me a bit crazy when people ask for a sip of my drink. I've given away so many drinks because I won't say no, but I won't drink it after someone else has.

Understandably some people get upset by it, they take it personally. Others understand that I don't want to swap spit with a potentially herpes riddled person ;)
i don't have a problem with sharing.
i know a couple people who won't smoke a joint with someone else because of the saliva...said it's like kissing someone. i really don't see it that way but whatever floats their boat
I have never been sick yet and I hope I never am.
What I used to find that there was always one person who came to the party....while coming down with a cold or the flu...and they knew it...
they were the one who did not bring any of their own stash.....and slobbered on every single joint I would light....
and that was usually quite a few.,...
I don't share my pills for my condition so no I don't share my weed either. That being said if I sitting with another medical user I don't see an issue with "trade a joint" to checkout if the grass is greener on the other side .... but sadly everyone's too far away
If you're getting the joint wet with your saliva youre smoking it wrong.
how do you use the glue without licking it?
not that way some people stick the whole rolled joint in their mouth so it won't run....I think that's gross and pass on those ones.
Worse is that quick roll of super tight bud
That kinda breaks chunky... then spill half cause yer in fu king rush
Then it burns like shit and runs everywhere .... it's more like trying to save the environment (lost cause)
God those times suck