I am woman

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Yes, quite ironic.

Kind of like how ironic it is that FDD was all man before prison, and after he's gone Caitlyn on us, presenting himself as sheskunk. Not that their's anything wrong with that.


sheskunk says, "Call me Caitlyn"
Kind of like how ironic it is that FDD was all man before prison, and after he's gone Caitlyn on us, presenting himself as sheskunk. Not that their's anything wrong with that.


sheskunk says, "Call me Caitlyn"
Hey, I believe in the freedom of self determination. Nothing wrong with that.
Hey, I believe in the freedom of self determination. Nothing wrong with that.

No you don't. If you did, you wouldn't accept money from people that wasn't freely given.

Also, you often advocate that it's fine for some people to force others to interact with them, that is not supporting self determination.

I have an idea, instead of addressing my post, you could distract and call me a racist pedo etc.
Yes I do, and thanks for the tax dollars. If you don't like paying taxes, don't. I don't.

I made two points and you half assed "refuted" one, which I could counter, but I'll let it slide this time.

You never addressed why if you favor self determination you think one person or group of people should be able to make another person bake them a cake. How is the person that is forced to bake the cake having their ability to self determine protected?

I think you like to determine others selves for them sometimes, which is not the same as championing self determination.
Yes I do, and thanks for the tax dollars. If you don't like paying taxes, don't. I don't.

You remember the "angry cabbie" from Howard Stern show? Anyhow he proclaimed on the radio that he did not pay his taxes long story short he went to prison guess the government monitors the radio waves. Wonder if they monitor riu?

You remember the "angry cabbie" from Howard Stern show? Anyhow he proclaimed on the radio that he did not pay his taxes long story short he went to prison guess the government monitors the radio waves. Wonder if they monitor riu?


i'm sure they monitor RIU to make sure 100% disabled vets are paying taxes on their disability checks.
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