any thoughts on yield?

black jesus

Well-Known Member
They receive about 8 hrs direct sun for now
man from being on a few forums i must tell you. ask a question get ta few answers then try what you feel will work for you. the route you going your questions wont get any play. theres nothing for you to do but wait and see what happens. i wish you luck. im also new to this growing. but these fine folks really help you from oakland and being online keeps me from asking someone local who might try to pistol whoop my ass for a few grams....just listen and learn. then tell me what youve learned in a year. shit will be crazy


Well-Known Member
That plant is much weaker than mine
yeah, I hear plant was so weak it needed a wheel chair just to move around.....not to mention the bamboo braces to hold her up


So I thought I would defoliate my plant to perk her up, which really helped.... look how strong it became, no longer required the bamboo braces.

Then after a few 20 gallon flushes, she yielded a whole wack of serious dank...... not quite a pound, but enough for some big time smoke-up's




Active Member
yeah, I hear plant was so weak it needed a wheel chair just to move around.....not to mention the bamboo braces to hold her up

View attachment 3468457

So I thought I would defoliate my plant to perk her up, which really helped.... look how strong it became, no longer required the bamboo braces.

Then after a few 20 gallon flushes, she yielded a whole wack of serious dank...... not quite a pound, but enough for some big time smoke-up's

View attachment 3468458

Lmfao...seriously how much did this plant yield? Did it even harvest?


Active Member
Nice try..lmao. U are not getting me to rip my leaves off and dump 20 gallons of water through my try that stupid shit on someone who doesnt know what theyre doing


Active Member
yeah, I hear plant was so weak it needed a wheel chair just to move around.....not to mention the bamboo braces to hold her up

View attachment 3468457

So I thought I would defoliate my plant to perk her up, which really helped.... look how strong it became, no longer required the bamboo braces.

Then after a few 20 gallon flushes, she yielded a whole wack of serious dank...... not quite a pound, but enough for some big time smoke-up's

View attachment 3468458

That is one of the most pathetic plants ive ever had the displeasure of looking at. I feel sorry for the poor bastard for what your shitty green diarhea thumb has done to it