abe supercro
Well-Known Member
Ok folks just finished reading pg. #1 from feb, I'm pacing myself. I see nw-gdp rep needed a respite as well. He'll be back.
So part of my personal interest in these genetics are that I've made a few of my own crosses with a prolific original Kens GDP male, the amt. of pollen from that horse was ridiculous. I haven't begun to work thru them hardly at all, but the main cross was S1 green crack x f1 gdp. perhaps that's a similar cross to the candyland. named the cross gonzo and there's some green beef to be found, sweet and sour, stoney donkey colas with color. i gave away about 100- (5) packs as promotional beans at my friends 'club' in Ann Arbor. I'll be germinating more of them soon and possibly go for F2 at @chuck nation.
hold up I thought ken just changed names are u saying that dvg is not ken and is one of his breeders that branched out
That is a good question you pose there bigworm and I think that was my worry. But I guess it doesn't matter who makes the beans as long as it becomes some fire buds .
I like your idea about the royalties, not everyone would see it that way.I would think it will enhance his creativity and he probably had to pay some kind of royalties for using kens branding so imo if he is doing the work he deserves the money!
So part of my personal interest in these genetics are that I've made a few of my own crosses with a prolific original Kens GDP male, the amt. of pollen from that horse was ridiculous. I haven't begun to work thru them hardly at all, but the main cross was S1 green crack x f1 gdp. perhaps that's a similar cross to the candyland. named the cross gonzo and there's some green beef to be found, sweet and sour, stoney donkey colas with color. i gave away about 100- (5) packs as promotional beans at my friends 'club' in Ann Arbor. I'll be germinating more of them soon and possibly go for F2 at @chuck nation.