Horrible 24 hours.......
Yesterday at 9am I run an errand up the road to TLD's house. I'm back home 25-30 minutes later, but my pit (Marley) and my 13 year old Border collie/German shorthaired pointer are gone. This is very unusual because Spydee (the 13 year old) has major hip issues, she can't go to far. So I call for them....nothing. An hour goes by, I call again...nothing. So I take a drive to look for them....nothing. I come home, about an hour later Marley shows up, but no Spydee. So I go hiking in 100 degree weather looking for Spydee.....nothing. Now I'm VERY worried, so I come home after 3 hours of hiking in very hot temps without my dog. So I rest for a few hours until 6pm and go out again in search of spydee, hiking through the thickest of brush looking for her....nothing. I search for her until dark....nothing. Spydee is in serious trouble now. I know she's stuck somewhere in the woods with her bad hip, night is here, she been without water all day in 100 degree temps, the coyotes are howling, not looking good for Spydee. I come home after dark, eat a lite dinner, and back out to look for Spydee......nothing. I'm exhausted, tired, frustrated, worried, a whole shit load of shit going through my head, bad night. I go to bed about 1am.
I'm up at 5am and me and the wife restart our search. I'm hiking up and down through everybody's property (came across a couple gardens too) looking for my dog. I really don't give a fuck now if people don't like me on their property, I need to find my dog. I'm running out of options now, fliers are up, I've hiked in all the spots where I think is sensible for her to be, so I expand my search area. No way she came this far, but I'm out of options now. So I start searching in a new area over a mile from my house, after 45 minutes or so I hear winning down a ravine, I go to investigate and there's Spydee stuck in a bunch of brush. I got her out, carried her to the edge of the road, hiked to the truck to pick her up and get her home.
She's was very thirsty, hungry, suffered a slight injury to her eye, but my dog is safe at home. I recovered her about 7:30am, so she was gone for 22.5 hours.
I'm beat, sore, my knee is in pain, but Spydee's home. All the hard effort paid off.
A happy ending to this story, but a lesson learned.
Time for a nap.