Growing Weed with Mama

My great grandmother taught Trigonometry at a university. Both of my daughters are highly technical.

It was a bad joke about measuring penis size.

Here is a picture of a large Malawi Gold lady to change the subject:

some of its flowers (we stopped trimming after this):

My great grandmother taught Trigonometry at a university. Both of my daughters are highly technical.

It was a bad joke about measuring penis size.

Here is a picture of a large Malawi Gold lady to change the subject:

some of its flowers (we stopped trimming after this):

Oh! It's been a long time since I measured anything but plants. Been married 12 years so not much changes there, lmao.

That plant is a beast. How big was it? Looks like an easy 10-15 foot wide! Must have been a killer yield. I get limited sun here with so many trees and buildings near my plot. I'd love to have wide open sun like that.
Way too big! I must have had 5 different repairmen need access to the back yard that year. I was so worried.

Here is another shot that gives some perspective on the size:

I estimate about 12 feet.

Here is one from more distant perspective (during an unfortunate rainstorm):

We were taught trigonometry from a very earlier than normal age ...was getting good grades in biology and advanced maths and physics...then i met my future wife and lost all motivation to be a sports i just pour gold bars for rich fat cats lol
I just booked a little 3 bedroom cottage for the weekend with an ocean view along the California Coast. It's next to a hotel that owns it so we get to go next door for a killer free breakfast and to swim in the indoor pool, but we also get our own little space.

I hate feeling like I'm trapped in the middle of a bunch of strangers while on vacation. I want my place for the kids to make noise and the adults to smoke a bowl without offending anyone.
I brought a small place 2 years ago by the beach to do just that....its a sacrifice but worth it.
Enjoy..cos when u get back its the business end of the season wooyeahhhh
It'll be nice to have a few days away from the plants. Its always fun to see how much they've grown when I haven't been staring at them all day. Also, I live in an extended family household with 3 generations of the family in one big house. It's great for support and always having someone there to have my back, but it sure is nice to get away sometimes. My mom, aunt and uncle are all getting on in years and we all support each other. I wouldn't trade it for the world. When my grandmother was alive this was her house. So many memories. And now my kids are growing up in the same neighborhood I was raided in.
raided?? for growing ??
It'll be nice to have a few days away from the plants. Its always fun to see how much they've grown when I haven't been staring at them all day. Also, I live in an extended family household with 3 generations of the family in one big house. It's great for support and always having someone there to have my back, but it sure is nice to get away sometimes. My mom, aunt and uncle are all getting on in years and we all support each other. I wouldn't trade it for the world. When my grandmother was alive this was her house. So many memories. And now my kids are growing up in the same neighborhood I was raided in.
raided?? for growing ??
Shit hahahaha that's a typo. It should say "the neighborhood I was RAISED in" lmao. Sorry. No raids here. I try to do everything by the book. I've given the local police tours of my garden 3 times now. Once for plant counts and twice when I reported the rippers. They came back to take pics of the garden and stuff for their records and court docs.