Club 600

Your running that plemon 11/13 now arnt you? That should deffo help bring more colour out in her...looks nice man
Aye, about that lad. I am thinking outside for the last week as well.....

I'm looking forward to gettin it back off ya budolski!

that's looking canny lush D. Wish you had another week but shit happens eh.
I have as long as I want on this one, The other Plemon grow doon button ben is the one I am time restricted on.

I thought this might interest some folks. Good article on Rosemary and it's positive effects....
What does rosemary do to your brain?
Enjoying a brat at the Stand:View attachment 3459550
Right you lot over the water.....whats with all this LIGHT BEER you guys drink? I've always wondered, is Light standing for - Low in Calories (is that even possible with beers)...or does Light mean, I am a shandy drinking poof who drinks 0.2% alcohol beer:) .......just asking like:) Personally I don't see the point in low alcohol beers, but then I am a Brit and we love to get drunk......I know, it's sad, haha.
Well 2 my dpq are female and 2 still waiting to show sex yeah man, my dog looms funny preflower.. 3x3 shut down till gas meter gets read the day i never been answering door to him and they sent me an appointment. So pics will be up.soon as he's been and gone
Shit the bed Mo, if amstel light is the best on offer I'd have had a coke. Brat looks canny though.

I'll wager the swally in gemugrows two carbs there isn't light haha. Temps in grow space are ideal for brewing and it pumps out loads of co2.

interesting about the rosemary study, shame it wasn't more conclusive. I pass their grow room regularly, the uni switched from hps to led last year and it glows from the top floor. You can see it from the motorway at night.
It does look male, is that stock from BB or selfed (or suspected selfs from stuff you have grown)?

I am with Don, I think I would have gone for a coke:) But 5/10 for trying, Mo lol.....looks like a lekker brat for sure though.

And no idea how you apply Rosemary to the brain. I think you need it in an essential oil, then wipe a big streak down a joint:shock::spew:
@DST it is a s1 off don he said it probs through them out but I might scrap as I don't fancy my 3x3 being seedy as I only just get a decent smoke out it anyway, I would rather sacrifice my yield then have more seedy stuff haha
I know don't say it. me and labels...hahah right. pretty sure i marked my S1's from 2010. possible you got a pack of reg seeds or have you always asked for fems bud?
Lol...I saying nowt lad.

Right. Here's a nigh on finished bud from the Hot dog I am keeping. The one I thought might have been the keeper has thrown a couple of males flowers out so this one wins. I binned one that I would honestly be embarrassed to show you a pic of lol.
She's a frosty one.
Aye my last run I did whole flower cycle 11/13 lost a bit of weight like don said but it really did bring out the characteristics of each strain one of the jakes dream had really pretty pink and purple hues inside the buds..I bet you could even drop it to 10/14 might help finish her off a bit quicker?