This is a republican they have no shame, none.


Well-Known Member
He would tell us men didn't evolve from apes.
If so, why isn't it still happening?
no, i asked you what your imaginary friend jesus would say about your evil and hateful racism, not evolution.

and did you seriously just go full sarah palin and ask why evolution isn't still happening?

you are confused and dumb, even moreso than most racist bible thumpers.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
no, i asked you what your imaginary friend jesus would say about your evil and hateful racism, not evolution.

and did you seriously just go full sarah palin and ask why evolution isn't still happening?

you are confused and dumb, even moreso than most racist bible thumpers.
Well Uncle Heeb, Jesus was the King of the Jews.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure a Democrat like yourself would be happy with a certain group of people "dead".
old racists? i can't wait for old racists to die. i'm downright impatient for the eventuality.

have your white trash family tell me where they bury you so i can have a multicultural dance party on your grave.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
old racists? i can't wait for old racists to die. i'm downright impatient for the eventuality.

have your white trash family tell me where they bury you so i can have a multicultural dance party on your grave.
What is your mailing address?
They will send you one.


Well-Known Member
What is your mailing address?
They will send you one.
so your family hates you for being a racist as well?

you're pretty much alone and unloved, can't get laid, clinging to your guns and your bible and antipathy towards other races?

obama had it dead right.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
so your family hates you for being a racist as well?

you're pretty much alone and unloved, can't get laid, clinging to your guns and your bible and antipathy towards other races?

obama had it dead right.
Thats right.
We only need one party to run the United States.
The Socialist Democrats of America.
They're so smart!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
unemployment is at 5.3% stock market is up threefold
the deficit is cut in half.

Probably would be doing better if we didn't have to deal with a republican congress
LOL, You watch too much liberal run TV.

Yeah, the country is in dandy shape!

Don't talk so stupid.