LED Companies w/ LINKS

all these HT NorCal Cup stories keep coming up in my offsite News-Feed....this one made me throw up a little...:peace:
Double scammers, sell shitty lighting AND copy and mimic another sort of well known brand to boot....Maybe concentrate on what YOU actually produce...err...buy from China and stamp your name on...


The woman doesnt need glasses to see all the bullshit.
Nothing there about led cob name brands, just high bin led cobs. The description is a generic one in my opinion. Probably a sign of shitty stuff. I'd advertise Cree or Vero or whatever if I was selling them.


All LED manufacturers produce LEDs with different performance characteristics specific to light output, color, and forward voltage. The top LED manufacturers produce high quality and lower quality LEDs and depending on the quality, these LEDs are priced accordingly and serve a purpose for a wide variety of applications anywhere from industrial lighting down to children's toys. Just because it is advertised with 'name brand', doesn't guarantee it is a quality device and just because it is advertised generically as "high bin" doesn't indicate the LEDs are of lower quality.

Assume you are an LED manufacturer and you are flash testing LEDs as they are coming out production. Based on a 20 millisecond test, you are able to determine if the quality of the LED is good, better, or best and you sort or bin these LEDs accordingly. Now within the "best bin" you have 1000s of 'high quality' LEDs that will be sub-binned because different applications will require tighter tolerances specific to performance, color quality, etc. and the cost of the device is directly proportional to the quality. Understand this sub-binning process continues on and on and now you have many bins within what started out as simply the BEST bin.

Specific to COB devices, assuming all the LEDs are from the "best" bin, I would be interested to know what percentage of the LEDs come from the best of the sub-bin and what percentage comes from the worst sub-bin. Remember that all of the LEDs are high quality devices just priced dramatically different based on performance and color quality.
couple months ago I sent an email too IG and he sent a code for 20% off. So I took it as nobodies buyin cause its middle pack at best? Ive never used 1 but could only guess heat could cause a problem with performance.rapid LED some were saying there were heat issues also. They just don't cover the area they should is what turns me off right from the jump!
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Here's the circuit board from that light. The LEDs surrounding the middle "COB" thing looks just like the LEDs used in various Chinese no-name lights.
I believe if you open up an AT600 the led's would "look" like those as well.
Obviously those companies have manufacturing capabilities far surpassing the DIY cob guys, being able to make circuit boards specific to each lighting panel
Just a quick search, I came up with this:

LEDs found in Apaches:

The ones found in Chinese stuff:

It's not even an apples and oranges comparison. It's more like apples and a sheet of cardboard.
Where do you find info on the specific led's used in the Apaches? I would be curious what they are
Just a quick search, I came up with this:

LEDs found in Apaches:
The ones found in Chinese stuff:
It's not even an apples and oranges comparison. It's more like apples and a sheet of cardboard.


Without making an incorrect assumption, which LED is the "apple" and which one is the "sheet of cardboard"?
Read thru GG's thread and the lights consist ofNichia's, Meanwells and large heatsinks....no cutting corners in that light...which is still being emulated at this point...still the Gold standard, despite the older tech....

I opened up my AT200 and made a thread showing the quality. Don't remember what it's called but it was a comparison between that and the sgs160 if ppl are srioua enough to Google for it
^^^660 blast in the morning and 730 in the evening? Big blue burst in mid-day? Or complete BS? I like the idea but IDK if we're there yet with the knowledge for playing on and off with monos all day. Especially with cannabis.

So whose worthy nowadays??? In my little world it's: (In no particular order)


On Da Fence:
http://www.leoledgrow.eu/(??? Nice design but not available)
https://smartgrowtechnologies.com/product-category/led-grow-lights/ (???)
http://www.amaretechnologies.com/products.html (Yes/No?, Don't like the way they/he does business but they seem to work.)
http://www.lidlum.com/produits/del-lidlum-agro/?lang=fr (http://www.greners.com/i/grow-lights/led-brand/theoreme-innovation/ti-smartbar.html) - (Canadian water-cooled action)
And you could probably put CLW here too. Sorry George but you can do better dammit!

Any Platinum Dog-Star,Kind-a-Lush G8'd, Blu-Greek-God-Spider-King psuedo-COB panel pushing 10,000 watts that promises to replace the sun with 10, 12, 14 bands of full spectrum brilliance pumped out from some poorly cooled mystery LED and pimped out from some company's legally untouchable marketing department is not high on my list atm. The Cake has always been a lie folks.

Probably missed a few. Anyone got anyone else? I know GGs not up there, I figure that's a safe bet for a light that works. I heard AP is starting up something. If it works he owes everyone a buck a unit I say. Or a job :).