The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
For the record and any Feds reading. I do not condone violence in any form (unless the bitch never had the dinner on the table for me coming home ). I am not advising or suggesting anyone take drastic action to eradicate they're spouse I am merely taking the piss and talking a lot of half pished bollocks !
Please don't try and find me I have a certain skill set that prevents ppl that smell of bacon to establish my whereabouts
I will hide
You will not find the
You will not kill me
He lies! He's stomp the bitch in the cunt for back talking

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
For the record and any Feds reading. I do not condone violence in any form (unless the bitch never had the dinner on the table for me coming home ). I am not advising or suggesting anyone take drastic action to eradicate they're spouse I am merely taking the piss and talking a lot of half pished bollocks !
Please don't try and find me I have a certain skill set that prevents ppl that smell of bacon to establish my whereabouts
I will hide
You will not find the
You will not kill me
its not wearing buckfast like aftershave that skillset is it?


It was a bag seed my mate put in my garden messing about but it grew, don't know what it is and never fed or watered it.....apart from pis sing on it when drunk last month, cats break branches off all the time, poor thing will never produce anything but pissie popcorn.


Well-Known Member
It was a bag seed my mate put in my garden messing about but it grew, don't know what it is and never fed or watered it.....apart from pis sing on it when drunk last month, cats break branches off all the time, poor thing will never produce anything but pissie popcorn.
Unless u have a fully enclosed garden is that not a stupid risk to be taking for no return when u have a proper grow indoors? Another member in here had an outdoor a cpl years ago until it outgrew his fence and had to be binned lol


Well-Known Member
It was a bag seed my mate put in my garden messing about but it grew, don't know what it is and never fed or watered it.....apart from pis sing on it when drunk last month, cats break branches off all the time, poor thing will never produce anything but pissie popcorn.
thing is mate u got to be completely honest with us to be accepted


Well-Known Member
Unless u have a fully enclosed garden is that not a stupid risk to be taking for no return when u have a proper grow indoors? Another member in here had an outdoor a cpl years ago until it outgrew his fence and had to be binned lol
ghets was a proper beast tho! healthy n huge that fucker would have ended up 10ft+ or sumfin lol


I will kill her when needed but when it comes to plants i feel bad chopping them but when i get neighbours she's gone or rehoused.


Well-Known Member
he still about? New name job? Fuck I swear the plod will never work out who's who in here. I know my memory is Swiss cheesed to buggery but I honestly dunno who 90%of you lot are.
don your memory mate is shot to fuck he was posting last night ffs lol

whats the worst chilli then i can buy? a ghost chilli? was talking to the missus about theses nutjobs chillied out there nut lol n she reckons she could do it, so whats the worst i can buy? i hate the stuff so have not a clue.
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