why do people snort xanax?


Well-Known Member
never done it that way and never will. just curious what people get out of it. is it just people being stupid not knowing any better? does it kick in faster that way like other pills? are the effects stronger or any different? i've only taken it orally and always liked it. to me it felt like i had a few drinks but i would get no nausea or hangover whatsoever. just a great nights sleep after. very powerful stuff just taking it orally but tolerance builds up extremely fast.
Like any drug that goes up my nose. It's all about the sensors in my nostril and how there is so many of them. Also how quickly things gets absorbed through them and how quickly it gets to my blood and travels.
Cause they are stupid only 2 drugs worth snorting cocaine and #4 heroin those actually absorb quick in your nose a 1 MG xanax weighs a lot more than 1 mg so your snorting crap but heroin and coke you feel that shit in minutes.

And don't get hooked on that shit it is worse than heroin.
Cause they are stupid only 2 drugs worth snorting cocaine and #4 heroin those actually absorb quick in your nose a 1 MG xanax weighs a lot more than 1 mg so your snorting crap but heroin and coke you feel that shit in minutes.

And don't get hooked on that shit it is worse than heroin.

So true those 2 up the nose are amazing and absorb quick. But I do agree any kind of pharmaceutical up the nose sucks. All those fillers and crap they add to pill. Plus to get an entire pill up there would just suck. I'd prefer a big fat line of something else.
Its not that its any pharmaceutical..
Think about those 2mg white "bars" each of those pills is a couple 100mgs but of other crap.

A 15mg ,little green oxy has alot higher of a ratio. In general the drugs requiring lower doses ie dilaudid since talking about pain pill now will have more fillers. They prevent absorption plus clog up.. not to mention the drugs logp has to agree with the route of administration
Just for future reference. Please dont mix xanax and methadone it can be lethal. Xanax is one drug that always put me on my butt.
I have a scrip for zannys for when I get really bad social anxiety honestly the scrip is more trouble than it's worth all my friends are always asking me for a bar here a bar there what am I the drug fairy!! But I would just go head and eat the bar like everyone else said you would be snorting mostly filler but some people just have this fetish were they have to snort everything.
Because its a fast way to get high

Personally i hate xanax I had it prescribed. It makes me a suicidal zombie its weird.

Most other people seem to like it though.

I think thats nasty shit it almost "got me killed" twice

I have a scrip for zannys for when I get really bad social anxiety honestly the scrip is more trouble than it's worth all my friends are always asking me for a bar here a bar there what am I the drug fairy!! But I would just go head and eat the bar like everyone else said you would be snorting mostly filler but some people just have this fetish were they have to snort everything.

^Yep most annoying shit ever. They will give you the "i'm really anxious" spiel. They are anxious because they want drugs they don't have, not because they are actually anxious lmao.
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Just for future reference. Please dont mix xanax and methadone it can be lethal. Xanax is one drug that always put me on my butt.
mixing any benzo with any opiate can be lethal. it is hard to overdose on benzos alone, but mixing them with alcohol or opiates can cause respiratory failure. both can be taken together but it is best to take as the doctor tells you because they know the safe amounts.

Its not that its any pharmaceutical..
Think about those 2mg white "bars" each of those pills is a couple 100mgs but of other crap.

A 15mg ,little green oxy has alot higher of a ratio. In general the drugs requiring lower doses ie dilaudid since talking about pain pill now will have more fillers. They prevent absorption plus clog up.. not to mention the drugs logp has to agree with the route of administration
jesus fuck i dont know why anyone would want to take that much. just 2 mgs alone is plenty enough to sedate me if i dont have a tolerance. i've taken benzos for over 10 years. they work great for me but tolerance build up is fast. also dependence can happen a lot faster than people think but going off slow isnt so bad.
I have a scrip for zannys for when I get really bad social anxiety honestly the scrip is more trouble than it's worth all my friends are always asking me for a bar here a bar there what am I the drug fairy!! But I would just go head and eat the bar like everyone else said you would be snorting mostly filler but some people just have this fetish were they have to snort everything.
i get so fucking pissed when people ask me when they can just go to the dr. otherwise they shouldnt be taking it especially because it is not worth the legal risk. too many people take too much and wake up in jail not knowing what happen. when this happens they're supporting the cops and courthouses by giving them more work and job security. that is why i only take meds legally. except for when i was a kid.
Simple, when you snort em they hit you faster and harder, but don't last as long. Bypasses the digestive system which takes .5-1 hour to let them kick in.
Because people love to snort drugs and the placebo effect is powerful enough that if you really believe it will get you higher.