Just quit cigarettes


Uplifted, energetic, happy, euphoric does weed really help you feel this way or is it like cigarettes where it gets you addicted and deprives you of these things unless you smoke to achieve it. In other words is a weed smoker more uplifted, energetic and happy than a nonsmoker
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Uplifted, energetic, happy, euphoric does weed really help you feel this way or is it like cigarettes where it gets you addicted and deprives you of these things unless you smoke to achieve it. In other words is a weed smoker more uplifted, energetic and happy than a nonsmoker
Lol. I smoke like snoop dog and I am smiling all day. Not addicted , I am well aware I abuse cannabis. I could quit anytime, but I don't see any reason because it makes everything more fun.
You think you can quit anytime but it's not like that..
Yes. It is.. I travel for months at a time and when I leave I am not able to smoke weed. Other than having trouble eating and sleeping for 3 days ish.. And the occasional "this would be really cool
If I was baked" I don't miss it. It's almost nice to have a break . when I do take a break from smoking.. I usually enjoy myself some alcoholic beverages
My 2 year anniversary just past the 21St of june. Pretty nice no more coughing random coughs random chokes or stinking like an ash tray. I could say I have not.smoked weed in the same amount of.time but took a cruise a few weeks back and hit the bowl like 3 times and I was fucked up geeking like a school girl