No I just use a 1600mA variable voltage. Works fine. I use the pen more because if I just used a rig I'd never get anything done. LolDoes that come with a battery ???
are you pressing small lil nugs? i noticed pressing like a .5 wasnt as good as pressing a .2 .3.....i ball the bud up as small as possible before pressing.i have a conair with a rotary dial that goes from 0-30 set at 15. fucking love how easy i can reach into my couch, pull out the straightener and press a few dabs in seconds. everyone should do this as its so much easier and better than bho,IN MY OPINION....
When the equipment prototypes from dnail and APE are released processing larger amount with better yields will be possible , like you said new tech still in baby stages long way to go.Small nugs are definitely working better. As far as ease though. Nah. Less overall time to finished product but it took me as long to process 3g with the straightener as I could do a half pound for bho(as far as the blasting goes). Though final product is very clean and quality. Just still not seeing the returns. I don't see it as a good means for use of flower unless solely for personal consumption and you aren't concerned about quantity. Think this will end up being a good bubble hash refiner. Well for me anyways. I can get about 6-8g on bho per ounce. With this I'd probably have 3g or so per ounce. Again bho I could probably process enough to make about a qp of shatter in the same amount of time using this straightener. Cool and all but less return. Less manipulation for phase transitioning terepenes and cannabinoids. definitely need refinement of higher through put. What was funny was I watched this video with a guy using a heat transfer/sublimation shirt press. Then looking through the catalog all "look at this we could process 3-4lbs with something like this." Not realizing what he was looking at was a multi station screen printer.... Lol I used to run a couple of those as a teenager. Again cool but kinda like LEDs in their infancy when 90 W ufos first showed up and comparing to hps. Eh it works but not like the current golden standards already in use. Possibly later on, still got a sizeable road ahead. But need much better environmental and instrumental controls as well to get better consistency. Idk that's my take so far.
Well you'll just have to wait until the next run hopefully in the next couple of days unless i have pics on the other card. though maybe i should have paid a little closer attention. I just recalled the last little bit that was 8g yield and just over an ounce processed. Typically run around 20%. Like I said faster to end product. Though not as much end product and this way just feels like so much more work to get there. quality is great. Labor and throughput is what blows.@gkskunky Please post pics of your 6-8 grams of bho per ounce. If you are getting more than a 25 percent yeild your bho is contaminated. If you are properly processing bho then shatter would take you at least 2-3 days to purge of hydrocarbons. In 2-3 days I could press pounds with a custom press and put it up against any bho.
Dude that's a hella press right there! we gotta have a lets see your best press thread, but wait till i get my zip of headies so i can participate tewww! good shit! like cube said check yo self cause shotgun bullets is bad for ya health!Rosin is here to stay. Someone is going to figure out a commercially viable option and put bho out of business. A lot of pissed off people that bought $1,200+ cls systems. I love the stuff. Even press out contaminant piles from dry sift. I mean pure shit to pure gold. Gotta love that. Some bubble rosin next to some flower rosin. Flower on left.View attachment 3418379
Wish I could find my 25 uM pressing screen. Apparently didn't put it back with the bubble bags. Maybe have to order another one. If I have enough left after the bho run to finish off the tane on hand I want to do a bubble run and press it out.Still gotta try using my 110 silk screen. Hopefully this week I'll be getting maybe 2 grams of bubble hash from the desp.
Wish I could find my 25 uM pressing screen. Apparently didn't put it back with the bubble bags. Maybe have to order another one. If I have enough left after the bho run to finish off the tane on hand I want to do a bubble run and press it out.
For bubble if you are going to press it do you still run more than two bags? I was thinking only the work bag and 25uM or 45uM. Collect it all then put in a 25uM press screen then press it in that.
UAlright so what the fuck am I doing wrong? This shit seems for the birds. I have damn good quality buds and can't get shit for return. And ease? Fuck that bubble bags, qwiso, bho all easier to me. Seriously just pressed out 3 grams for a little marble. Straightener it's 240-280 pressing for 3-5 seconds. Crap returns. Seriously crap. Like small speckles from every bud. Would be smarter to make a dab press vapor attachment that just presses and heats like knife hits through a glass piece. So far this pressing is not worth a fuck if you want yield. Have tried a couple different stains too. Only thing I can see this being good for is refining bubble and dry sieve.
@gkskunky Please post pics of your 6-8 grams of bho per ounce. If you are getting more than a 25 percent yeild your bho is contaminated. If you are properly processing bho then shatter would take you at least 2-3 days to purge of hydrocarbons. In 2-3 days I could press pounds with a custom press and put it up against any bho.
Was 3g broken down into what I eyeballed as close to .5 g. Between the diameter of a nickel and quarter. Last night I tried using smaller buds about half or less than the previous. About a good hit or two nug. Something you'd load in a small spoon. Not much. The scale I still have only weighs in grams. The good one broke and really no reason for fractions of a gram for me. On But anyways. The even smaller nugs worked better. Trying to figure out the sweet spot. And yeah I did that with one of the super triched up strains I couldn't get much out of last time, sweet tooth. Turns out it seems if the buds have too many trichs it's even easier to vape off. Because before the bigger buds would sizzle but nothing really. Seems the better the bud the shorter the presses and pressing less gives you more though still trying to figure out that diminishing return. Maybe it's just because I'm new to it and still tinkering but my impression so far is this method may also be the most strain variable. Though that makes sense. With solvents you're dissolving using varying polarity solvents. Since this relies heat and pressure the amount of both are even more variable since the cannabinoid profile is varying the melt temperature of strains and trichome saturation could also impact that. idk maybe as I play more I can tell more. Almost how technique dictates the Quality of your bubble, bho, technique here moreless drives efficiency to yield. Still for now won't be my main method of concentration but will still continue to "dabble" with it. LolU
Did you crush 3 grams all at once in one big bud? If you did this has been found to be root of the problem.
Others have made it a point to make their crush nugs smaller, a quarter gram or so but not by much. The yield seems to work better with smaller increments because it is possible the rosin has less area to spread in the weed itself.
Even I tried this to some extent and found that even some buds with frosty insides barely made any yields yet some with a less crystal on the outside did better than the frostier buds! Trick is to make the batches accumulate and pound the 'Anvil Chorus'...
One time I ground up and crushed the weed for a bigger surface area but that screwed up too quick because the pot dried up faster with the iron closing all around it and vaped the thc. So there must be a balance in nug humidity and structure to allow you to squeeze out most you can.
Ive gone back to squished nugs to squeeze out more after they have rested or i am done with the fresh batch. Do them at this point 2 or3 pucks at a time, good luck!