Americans will start being microchipped in 3 years

I had my pen and paper ready for the forthcoming pearls of wisdom...

I think I've been misled. I'm not seeing any evidence of higher thinking at all. That's what was promised... Nothing that couldn't be explained by puberty or pimples. Maybe the embarrassment of those first few curly pubes. Nothing anyone would attribute to raw intelligence, though.
I had my pen and paper ready for the forthcoming pearls of wisdom...

I think I've been misled. I'm not seeing any evidence of higher thinking at all. That's what was promised... Nothing that couldn't be explained by puberty or pimples. Maybe the embarrassment of those first few curly pubes. Nothing anyone would attribute to raw intelligence, though.

u mad er wha?
Hell yeah I'm mad. I was told by you that you were some major intelligent supreme being. Now I find out that you're simply full of shit and all of this is explained by you simply not being particularly stable or educated. That's a disappointment for me, and so I'm mad.
Hell yeah I'm mad. I was told by you that you were some major intelligent supreme being. Now I find out that you're simply full of shit and all of this is explained by you simply not being particularly stable or educated. That's a disappointment for me, and so I'm mad.

do u consider yourself a major intelligent supreme human being?
You sold me a bill of goods. I was promised some intelligent wisdom. You said there would be revelations so vast we wouldn't even comprehend. All I got was very juvenile hormones and whining.

False advertising.
You sold me a bill of goods. I was promised some intelligent wisdom. You said there would be revelations so vast we wouldn't even comprehend. All I got was very juvenile hormones and whining.

False advertising.

i'd be better off explaining my intelligent wisdom elsewhere, elaborate how intelligent you are, what makes you so special?

and how was i whining in this thread?
You said you were special. I don't recall anyone else saying such a thing. I'm here to learn something from you and you basically just lied and bullshitted and demonstrated significant ignorance. So much so that I'm not sure your pre-pubescent self is ever going to grow out of it. You know this and this is why you're depressed a lot of the time.

I'm sorry to even witness this train wreck
You said you were special. I don't recall anyone else saying such a thing. I'm here to learn something from you and you basically just lied and bullshitted and demonstrated significant ignorance. So much so that I'm not sure your pre-pubescent self is ever going to grow out of it. You know this and this is why you're depressed a lot of the time.

I'm sorry to even witness this train wreck

lmfao you don't even know me bro, you have no idea how much bullshit I've been through, i was on my own as long as i could remember, i didn't have nobody pampering my ass growing up like i bet you did, i grew up too quick in this fucked up world you wouldn't believe the shit I've seen, I'm just as much as a man as any cocksucker on this forum.
Why don't y'all just shut the fuck up we are all Americans


LOL I was just talking to my son about this last week and I found this thread lol. So eat a bowl of just shut the fuck up about Canada and the US because Mexico is apart of the North American Continent as well and no one mentioned them. All I've read is guns and big dicks and bears sounds like a cheesy movie. As for big dicks in the US is because of me I have a BIG BLACK DICK sorry white America lol
You don't appear to be anyone that's learned, considering all the "bullshit you've been through" and lack of ass-pampering. BTW, we've all been through shit, so get over it.

I'm not sympathetic at all. You're just whining again
In case you've not noticed... you're still whining. That'll end as you get older. Right about the time you start shaving
lmfao you don't even know me bro, you have no idea how much bullshit I've been through, i was on my own as long as i could remember, i didn't have nobody pampering my ass growing up like i bet you did, i grew up too quick in this fucked up world you wouldn't believe the shit I've seen, I'm just as much as a man as any cocksucker on this forum.

Ya see, right there is the problem. You think you're a Man! :lol:

You've said that you are 19, so you have several years before you will be mature enough to be considered a Man. Your brain will not be mature until around age 25. The other members can sense that and they pounce accordingly, because you are easy.

Now you want me to delete this thread, because you don't want to deal with it any more.

A Man would not ask for that. :lol: :lol:


It didn't have to go down this way, but someone called down the thunder and now is upset at what happens. In my decades on this planet (in this life) I've found I don't get much shit if I don't first give someone shit.

The opposite axiom is also true. You get more honey if you first offer some.
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Personally i don't give a fuck where you are from... As long as their women give sloppy blowjobs!
Don't All women give sloppy blow j's?

Actually, i'm certain men give the best blowies. How could they not? I think Elaine said it best:

"I only get access to the equipment a few hours a week. They get access 24/7".

Or something. Talking about peens