The UK Growers Thread!

My weather app is predicting 37 in the shade tomorrow, but it's usually a touch on the low side, so I'm expecting 40ish. Will hit 50 in the sun, or close to. We're getting the same heat wave here in the south of france as you are in Spain. Temps wont drop below 30 for a few weeks yet
30 is cool in the tunnel lol my max temp went beyond what my mercury thermo could measure 50+. You're fine at 30, really. All this nonsense of cannabis not growing above 85f is BS. Mine are growing well in temps of 110-120+.
Morning all, just saw this on facebook lol, anyone wanna chip in?

I dount its the plant sweating, probably humidity is too high in your poly and forming droplets on the leaves etc
It's both tbh. Plants have to transpire to breathe to use up the nutes. At night when the light goes and temps drop, the humidity rises at the same time.
That's why we ladies bring the washing in before it gets dark. Think of all the dew on the lawn in the morning. You need to increase the air movement.
Air flow is an issue. The tunnel isn't ideally situated, but I can't change that. I usually pull them out during the day. They're only in the tunnel overnight and if anyone is visiting/doing work etc. Maybe I'll run a fan in there overnight.
Air flow is an issue. The tunnel isn't ideally situated, but I can't change that. I usually pull them out during the day. They're only in the tunnel overnight and if anyone is visiting/doing work etc. Maybe I'll run a fan in there overnight.
You water them in the morning? Or at night? I used to water the outdoor at night coz the soil stays wetter for longer but indoors I'd water soil in the morning. I just prefer hydro. I hate watering plants.
Air flow is an issue. The tunnel isn't ideally situated, but I can't change that. I usually pull them out during the day. They're only in the tunnel overnight and if anyone is visiting/doing work etc. Maybe I'll run a fan in there overnight.

Out of interest what direction is your poly aligned to and what directions are most of the winds in your part of the country?
i.e. where I am most winds come from the south west towards the north east so all poly tunnels down this part of the coutry are aligned SW-NE so they get a breeze thru the poly etc, obviously if yours isnt aligned with the winds then you will have to wait til next season to move it etc
I've a m8 for Tenerife soon so I was looking online last night for cannabis clubs there, seems from reading there web page and reading on forums and shit tht u can just email them in advance before u go. This one was 20 euro joining fee lol. I read a few stories from ones who done it, they said they told them that the "medicate" over here for whatever reason and they don't want to be stuck without over there for a week or two and they got membership no problem
mate there's a couple on Tenerife, the lads we know from there sorted us out about a.half of fireballs to toke while we were on the island cos the club had a license issue to sort. be my luck it'll open an I'll have to go catch a flight haha. It's near veronicas las americas, think its 35e the other in los cristianos is a hundred euro and no guest members allowed ffs.

nice to hear the locals have been liking the BB gear in the association.

I jumped in jig's pool with my blower in my pocket on Sunday, couple days in the sun and its dried out n fine.
Out of interest what direction is your poly aligned to and what directions are most of the winds in your part of the country?
i.e. where I am most winds come from the south west towards the north east so all poly tunnels down this part of the coutry are aligned SW-NE so they get a breeze thru the poly etc, obviously if yours isnt aligned with the winds then you will have to wait til next season to move it etc

Door faces south. Windows east and west. The west side is fairly sheltered as it's close to a 30 foot hedge. Wind generally comes from the south or the east. It can't be moved the veg garden is outback near the stables, moving the polytunnel to a more suitable spot makes the contents very visible to the likes of the farrier, vet and horse trainer who are here often. This house has high traffic of people who wouldn't be to impressed....