What's the average yield for an outdoor grow in Socal?

200 plants for a handful of guys is NOT legal. Its greedy cash cropping, hoping to sell an inferioir product that they dont even know how to care for. The state is flooded with quality meds. Good luck moving your mass produced crap. In Sandiego county they go by the default 6 plants rule. Even listed as a caregiver for several patients, there are limits.

"According to the case of People v. Mentch (2008), primary caregivers must “prove at a minimum that he or she (1) consistently provided caregiving, (2) independent of any assistance in taking medical marijuana, (3) at or before the time he or she assumed responsibility for assisting with medical marijuana." Simply supplying marijuana and instructing a patient on the use of medical marijuana does not qualify a person as a caregiver.

Medical marijuana caregivers may assist more than one patient who is using medical marijuana, but if they are assisting more than one medical marijuana patient they must reside in the same county as all of their patients. Caregivers who have registered with the California Medical Marijuana Program may grow, transport, and cultivate medical marijuana on behalf of their patients, but may not use the medical marijuana themselves unless they, too, are qualified patients.

The amount of marijuana a caregiver can have is subjected to the same laws and local ordinances as patients of medical marijuana. The baseline standard in California, according to SB 420, is that caregivers may have 6 mature or 12 immature plants and 8 oz. of dried cannabis per patient. Individual cities and counties may allow greater amounts but cannot limit it to less than statewide guidelines. In addition, under Prop. 215, if a patient’s medical condition requires a greater amount of marijuana for effective treatment, the amount determined by a qualifying physician can be allowed, and this amount would apply to the caregiver as well."


I think someone gets it :D

This operation your talking about sounds like a shit show. No trust no knowledge of the laws no one that seems to care for plants.
Nothing I would be a part of.
Another thing about these questions on yield. If you are needing to ask how much to expect on your plants spend time taking care of them and learning what and what not to do. And really see if you can keep them alive till flowering then be damn happy for your first harvests while you learn. Note to you young grasshoppers
@unspecified it's not my property and im not sure about water rights. i know the government has nazi laws about collecting water and i cant be worried about every nazi law. its legal to sell lemonade too, but if i wanted to do that i sure f'n would lol. we're not spraying for anything at least i dont think so.

it's our first go, small investment on clones and that's it. nobody here would do the same if you had the land?
@KemosabeMcGee wow bro you've got mad issues. so if someone buys acres of land and they have water on it they cant use it? you must be super left-wing extremist. ill have to ignore your messages please ignore this thread you've got to smoke more weed and relax man. with so many variables and answers of course someone would grow not knowing the yield. you make ZERO sense and have a super poor attitude!
@MjMama unfortunately in san diego you can go to many doctors and get an exemption. our collective sells plants to 100s of patients each month and they all buy more than 6. in california one person can have up to 99. my rec allows me 99. everyone in our office in fact has a 99 rec. people are acting like 200 plants is 200,000. i had no idea what replies id get from such a large marijuana forum.

as far as greed? that makes zero sense. what if i wanted to GIVE AWAY all the weed or make a lot of oils for cancer patients. people that make assumptions clearly have never had a decision making role in their life.
@KemosabeMcGee wow bro you've got mad issues. so if someone buys acres of land and they have water on it they cant use it? you must be super left-wing extremist. ill have to ignore your messages please ignore this thread you've got to smoke more weed and relax man. with so many variables and answers of course someone would grow not knowing the yield. you make ZERO sense and have a super poor attitude!

how much did you spend per clone? 5 bucks? so you spent at least 2500 bucks on clones with NO CLUE what your yield would be. Maybe a trial grow, then a bigger scale grow. Then you dont lose 300 plants. If you lost 300 already, you are probably going to lose a lot more.

And, NO, you don't own the water that flows on your land. You own the land. If you steal the water, especially in drought time like this, you are going to get nailed. I'd get an attorney on retainer now. They will come wondering where the water is, and they will leave with federal charges on you. Enjoy.
99 plant recs are everywhere in cali. They mean nothing. Look up Kelly vs California for starters. I actually have a friend who's family has a 1000 acres in alpine. They have offered to lease their land to me for a 99 grow. But with all of the border patrol in that area good luck seeing a complete grow. Also unless you spray your plants I'm gonna say less then an oz a plant. Bugs will destroy your crop. I have a friend in the the area who makes fire bho if you need to blast that crap. Sounds like that's what this grow will be at best.
@KemosabeMcGee hey buddy i think i mentioned i didnt need any more of your comments. i dont need an attorney to talk about water. its funny you mention a drought, but you grow weed yourself? did you think about the water in soil in the ground already? ground moisture? i mean youre honestly acting like im rerouting a major river.

@757growin if the bugs mess up the grow then we wont do it again. we figured that once a upon a time weed grew outdoors w/o people, just like other plants grow wo people. if $2500 was spend on clones and there was the potential to yield +100lbs of whatever quality, that's a good return. we're not competing with indoor grows.

we can make tea, butter anything. i wonder how many of kemo's posts i have to flag before he takes a 500mg chill pill.
200 plants for a handful of guys is NOT legal. Its greedy cash cropping, hoping to sell an inferioir product that they dont even know how to care for. The state is flooded with quality meds. Good luck moving your mass produced crap. In Sandiego county they go by the default 6 plants rule. Even listed as a caregiver for several patients, there are limits.

"According to the case of People v. Mentch (2008), primary caregivers must “prove at a minimum that he or she (1) consistently provided caregiving, (2) independent of any assistance in taking medical marijuana, (3) at or before the time he or she assumed responsibility for assisting with medical marijuana." Simply supplying marijuana and instructing a patient on the use of medical marijuana does not qualify a person as a caregiver.

Medical marijuana caregivers may assist more than one patient who is using medical marijuana, but if they are assisting more than one medical marijuana patient they must reside in the same county as all of their patients. Caregivers who have registered with the California Medical Marijuana Program may grow, transport, and cultivate medical marijuana on behalf of their patients, but may not use the medical marijuana themselves unless they, too, are qualified patients.

The amount of marijuana a caregiver can have is subjected to the same laws and local ordinances as patients of medical marijuana. The baseline standard in California, according to SB 420, is that caregivers may have 6 mature or 12 immature plants and 8 oz. of dried cannabis per patient. Individual cities and counties may allow greater amounts but cannot limit it to less than statewide guidelines. In addition, under Prop. 215, if a patient’s medical condition requires a greater amount of marijuana for effective treatment, the amount determined by a qualifying physician can be allowed, and this amount would apply to the caregiver as well."

I agree with a lot of this but the numbers in ca are not correct, this is a ca rec for 70 plants and 12 lbs


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I agree with a lot of this but the numbers in ca are not correct, this is a ca rec for 70 plants and 12 lbs
Have fun in court trying to defend that rec. Just because you can get a a doc to sign a recommendation doesn't mean it will stick. My aunt was a federal drug lawyer before she passed away last year. We used to bump heads a lot ...
@MjMama listen no offense but you watch too much tv. a lot of law is intention. i would never be in court bc there are 100s locally and 1000s in the state that have grows much, much larger. law enforcement does not have the resources to go to court. i have a great attorney and im not really worried. i suppose i would have posted about legal advice or help if i wanted it right? or are you just looking out for random people you dont know?

im sorry about your auntie, that's sad to hear really. we dont have legal concerns, i was just curious what people thought i could maybe harvest given the time of year, plant size and growing conditions. if you search for "san diego marijuana doctors" on google, there's an office offering exemptions. if what theyre doing is illegal, they have about 50-100 people coming in a day across years, you'd thing the feds would have stopped that operation?
@kmog33 id post a photo of mine, but im right here in the heart of san diego near la jolla, one of the nicest parts of town and the doctors' office is almost walking distance away. it's not some shady doctor. anyways, thanks all for the comments i appreciate everyone's feedback.
Honestly strainbank from what you write I would guess less then six months of experience in the industry. You have little knowledge of the laws or the plant. If you actually need a good proven lawyer down here let me know. Cause urs is telling you some crap! I have plenty of friends arrested in sd county in the past 24 mo for weed. With their recs, imagine that. You guys are not safe from the law. I would kill the op, especially for the low yields coming. But I do like hiding behind your grow. So keep it up if you actually have one. Please!