Your favorite way to hide a boner


No cause blood is just diverted, its not created in your dick when hard
there are transchildren you know...i guess you seem not to agree with it. at least those children are able to get help now, rather than hide it all their lives like they have in the past 20 years.
and they dont do drastic measures, trans children are given special child behavioral psychs who work with them, and help them mentally before they make an adult transition.

I'm watching a bunch of dvr'd episode of PBS's Frontline. There's one entitled, 'Growing Up Trans' about transgender children and their families. It may be on their website, but I'll watch it and report back...
I really didn't mean to come across as a trans-hater. I have known trans gender people for a pretty long time. Quite a lot of them too. I am not the sort that is going to question an individual's choices like that.

Maybe I just hate 15 year olds.

I had not really considered the difficulties of growing up trans. It is quite a bit different than growing up gay or just weird. Gender has a more intimate connection to identity. I think it is easier to just fake it until you get older in the first cases.

I guess I am old school. In my day, when you figured out that you were different, you tried not to get stomped until you were old enough to move to the city. And it pretty much worked for most people. Recognition and acceptance complicates shit sometimes.

But I am a social carmudgeon if nothing else. I kind of loathe Bruce Jenner not because of his gender, but because he is an attention seeking whore and always has been. But at least he has a reason to be famous unlike his former in-laws. So when I heard the unusually high number - or what seemed to be a high number - I had a mental image of a bunch of confused kids pondering some really serious medical procedures because of Caitlyn's PR machine. I think that most of them should wait until they are confused adults. I don't think this shit is supposed to be easy. Growing up is a bitch.

I guess my old brain needs some time to push this thing into my preconceived notions that have resulted from decades of experience with a very diverse crowd. Makes me wonder which of the souls I have encountered over the years would have identified as trans. I dunno, we never fucking cared. When the whole culture was sort of underground, you didn't need labels so much.

I am one of those fortunate people who has always had a very clear gender identity. It is sort of liberating, or was at the time. Without questioning my gender and sexual preferences, I felt comfortable being around people's of all sorts. It was fun. I met a lot of people that had to overcome a lot of obstacles. Many of them became close friends. It was sad to see so many die.

But now my beliefs are considered provincial by some - and that feels strange.
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Here's some good advice:

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    Pin your erection close to your body using a hand in your pocket. Nobody thinks twice about a guy with his hands in his pockets. If you can master this move, you'll be good more than half the time.
    • If you're sitting down, simply put a hand in your pocket; using your thumb, gently nudge your erection down so that it's resting against your thigh. The outline of your hand in your pocket should conceal your erection.
    • If you're standing up, as soon as you notice the erection coming on, put both hands in your pockets. Try to pin the erection to either your lower abdomen or your thigh — whichever is more comfortable. Do this before you reach a full erection so that it's not obvious you're hiding an erection.
    • Try not to put pressure your erection while you're pinning it down. The more stimulation it receives, the longer it will last.

how old are you? when did you stop getting them to? i remember when i was like 14 it was insane i got a boner every day on those bumpy ass bus rides to school. did anyone else?

It was a joke......the junk still works at 65.....with or without Vitamin matter what time I get up in the morning, Little Johnny gets up first.
But wait there's more:

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    Use larger items to conceal your crotch region. Physical barriers aid the concealment of this problem quite well. Get something between your erection and the people you're around.
    • Stay seated or find a seat. It's easier to conceal an erection sitting down than it is standing up.
    • Cross your legs and lean gently forward so that your shirt covers your crotch.
    • Use a jacket or try putting a book in front of it — held casually with one hand, a prop like this won't cause any suspicion.
    • Use another everyday item like your backpack, briefcase, or computer and rest it on your lap. If you do this with your backpack or briefcase, you can pretend to rummage around in it for something useful. If you do this with your computer, start browsing or doing something that at least makes you look busy.
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    Go to the bathroom or other private space and conceal it there. Using your belt or just the top of your pants, position your erection between your pants and your stomach. This works best if you have a roomy shirt or jacket that obscures a view of the top of your pants. After a short while, the erection should go away.


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Plan ahead. If you frequently need to hide an erection, try clothing options that make the problem easier to conceal.
  • Stay away from exotic fabrics as underwear. You may love that pair of silk boxers you wear every Friday, but the fabric may be causing the problem. Don't wear silk or fabric with rough hems, as these can rub up against your member and cause an erection.
  • Wear looser clothes. Clothes are key in concealing an erection. Try not to wear super-tight clothes, or clothes that restrict movement. Wear looser shirts that extend down beyond your crotch.
    • Looser jeans tend to shield the erection, and tighter jeans accentuate it.
    • Khaki pants are usually good for hiding an erection, as khakis are generally looser fitting around the seat.
    • If your shirt is long enough, try pulling out the shirttails so that they are outside your trousers. Pretend that you are either warm or tired, and the people around you probably won't pay the slightest attention.
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    Take a walk. With your erection successfully pinned under your hand, find a reason to take a walk. Start moving your legs and your excitement should diminish rapidly. Walking will also give you the opportunity to adjust your pants if you haven't already.
    • Try not to draw attention to yourself when walking away from a group. Go for a glass of water or excuse yourself to the restroom.
    • Walking around helps move the blood flow from your crotch area to your feet and arms.

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      Hold something cold in your lap if you can do so discreetly.Cold sends blood further into our body, which is why your hands and feet get numb when it's cold outside. With the blood successfully moving towards your core, your erection should be gone soon.

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    Distract yourself. It's natural for anyone to get lost in a train of thought, especially if those thoughts are suggestive. The key to getting your erection to die down is to keep your mind occupied on decidedly unsexy things.
    • Try worrying about something important. Think of a project that is due, financial bills, etc. The more pressing, the better. Anxiety and excitement do not match.
    • Some people find that thinking about your parents doing everyday things helps. We have a natural biological block against thinking of our parents while we're aroused. Doing so may help nip any lingering feelings of desire we might have.
    • Don't worry about the erection itself. The more you worry about or fixate on the erection itself, the longer it will last. Remember, you want to convince your body that you're in a non-sexual situation. The way to do that is thinking about something else.

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    Try reading or watching something that will take your mind off of your predicament. The aim, again, is to distract yourself from the matter at hand so that it goes away quickly.
    • If you're reading, the more you focus on the text, the faster your situation will be remedied. Really focus on understanding the sense of the words. Given the situation, it's easy to "read" the words without actually grasping what they mean.
    • Again, unsexy subjects work best here. Try some painfully dry documentary about global politics.
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    Go to the bathroom or other private space and conceal it there. Using your belt or just the top of your pants, position your erection between your pants and your stomach. This works best if you have a roomy shirt or jacket that obscures a view of the top of your pants. After a short while, the erection should go away.


If I'm at the point i need to go to another room to take care of it..I'm taking care of it..Fap Fap.