So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

guilt trip.
You're the only one talking about that you mouth breathing republican.

I'm talking about aggregate demand. Paying people a living wage makes economic sense and even a ruthless capitalist who hates his own countrymen would be well served to see increased aggregate demand.

You can not sell products geared toward working class consumers if those people have no money to spare. What you propose is a step in the wrong direction which would be far worse than keeping things the way they are. What you propose would have dire consequences on the economy and only because you hate American people.
I know better. Lived it.

I don't need a Progressive "study" conducted by like-minded lib stooges to explain how labor costs doubling wouldn't cripple most businesses. The pie in the sky promises from Progressives about their "peer reviewed" agenda typically sound like rainbows and jelly beans, but end up being boondoggles that ALWAYS fall flat on their figurative face, cost 10-100X more than projected, solve nothing, exacerbate the problem and conveniently create shiny new problems for Proressive pearls of wisdom to tackle.

Ends justify the means. If you heard it out of the mouth of a lib, it's either an intentional lie or a naive delusion, at best. There are scant exceptions.
No friends.

Tiny penis.

Can't win.

Yeah, people love working at McDonald's. They don't apply because they're broke .They take fucking pride in that shit. Kids dream of growing up one day to work there. It's completely voluntary, not at all because they're broke.
Yeah, people love working at McDonald's. They don't apply because they're broke .They take fucking pride in that shit. Kids dream of growing up one day to work there. It's completely voluntary, not at all because they're broke.
If you're broke, McDonald's my get you some cash.

If you're looking to buy a house, McDonald's has nothing for you. Anyone who aspires to be a lifer at McDonald's has bigger fish to fry that a couple of bucks an hour.

I've worked there, my wife worked there, my sister worked there, I've known a lot of people who've worked there. Instead of demanding that a fast food company paid more, I went out and found a better job.

People get paid what they are worth to the owner of a company. If they don't like it, they can find a company who values their time more.
People price themselves. They know their pay when they start at McDonald's. If they valued themselves more; they would look for another job.
You're a utopian. If you really think that people just don't aspire to better and that opportunities are really so abundant and that they just don't succeed because they aren't worth as much, you're a utopian.
You're a utopian. If you really think that people just don't aspire to better and that opportunities are really so abundant and that they just don't succeed because they aren't worth as much, you're a utopian.
They don't succeed because they are happy making careers out of running the drive thru.
Out of curiosity, are you a "white supremacist" ?

i have noticed alcoholiconflict accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being a white supremacist

Nah, the beauty of my belief in personal responsibility, is that it's colorblind. I couldn't care less what color the corpse is that starved to death over poor choices.
They don't succeed because they are happy making careers out of running the drive thru.

This ignores the fact that raising the minimum wage will increase aggregate demand by putting more money in working class hands which will propel the economy. Your bitter hatred toward the poor notwithstanding, this will create opportunities.
Nah, the beauty of my belief in personal responsibility, is that it's colorblind. I couldn't care less what color the corpse is that starved to death over poor choices.

Nah, the beauty of my belief in personal responsibility, is that it's colorblind. I couldn't care less what color the corpse is that starved to death over poor choices.
Bootstraps? lol. Pathetic.

It's clear all ambition you had to be a decent human being left your body a long time ago, and now all you've got left in the last 15-20 remaining years of your miserable life is a damp apartment, meth addiction, and fake friends on the internet from which you garner all your self esteem.

I feel sorry for you and your unstatisfyingly tiny penis.
This ignores the fact that raising the minimum wage will increase aggregate demand by putting more money in working class hands which will propel the economy. Your bitter hatred toward the poor notwithstanding, this will create opportunities.

If that were even remotely true, the onslaught of support from stockholders would be so dramatic, corporate executives wouldn't stand a chance of stopping the implementation of your plan.

By the bullshit logic you just tried on me, why do you assert capitalists hate making more money?