New member, new grow

Hey there guys!

I'm new to the forum, though I've been lurking for quite some time. The amount I've learned from this forum just from browsing over the years is astounding, and I figured it was time to dive right into the action.

So, with my first post, I'll show you guys some of the plants that my "friend" is growing. This is my friend's 3rd grow, the first two were 1 and 2 plants respectively, but sadly didn't come to fruition thanks to acquiring the male gender, heh. I would absolutely love some feedback on... his... progress, and any advice.

Note, this is a relatively newbie/cost-cutting grow so there are a few factors out of his control, like an imperfect lighting setup and the lack of proper ventilation, etc. This plant is about 50 days old from seed, and was switched to flowering about 3 weeks ago. With that being said, I think she looks pretty good, but let's hear what you think! Again, any advice is appreciated, thanks!

PS: Sorry for the bad pics... Damn old blackberry...



Active Member
Looks good for how cheap the setup is... what kins of light are you using? You won't yield shit without decent lighting


Active Member
If your using cfls put them as close to the plants as u can without burning them. U need all the light u can get
Thanks mate.

Right now the plants are being grown under a Sun Blaze T5HO-44, 4 cfl tubes, 54w each, with a 60w uv spotlight on the wall to help target some of the undergrowth. What would you suggest for getting more light on the buds lower on the plant? Something adjustable would probably work better as the space is limited but there doesn't seem to be anything that can be easily mounted to target the undergrowth.


Well-Known Member
Hey Greenmagic469,

Im currently using the same T5 HO panel, and trust me when I say its a good light to begin with. The trick is training early and often, and keeping the light about 2 inches away from your canopy. You will want to top your girls several times and tie them down to make a wide flat top canopy. For example, my girls canopy is a touch wider than the light, and only about three inches shy on each side of being as long as the panel. Im not even in flowering yet, so its going to get big!

I use a 5 gallon pot currently, but I may upgrade to a few gallons bigger. Bigger roots bigger plants :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate.

Right now the plants are being grown under a Sun Blaze T5HO-44, 4 cfl tubes, 54w each, with a 60w uv spotlight on the wall to help target some of the undergrowth. What would you suggest for getting more light on the buds lower on the plant? Something adjustable would probably work better as the space is limited but there doesn't seem to be anything that can be easily mounted to target the undergrowth.
You could mount your light vertically to one side of the plant. Then just rotate the plant every now and then: once a day maybe?


Well-Known Member
Hehe, so simple, yet a good idea. Only problem would be getting blinded by the light while you're working in there.
It's a good option for you right now with T5s. If you choose to do HID and multiple plants yeah you're probably gonna have a bad time with eye strain. But you gotta commit... lol


Well-Known Member
Hehe, so simple, yet a good idea. Only problem would be getting blinded by the light while you're working in there.
Yeah if I were you id put it to the side of your grow space instead of directly behind the plants if you can just so you can avoid having to look straight at the bulb, it'll be hard to work out if your running more than 2 plants but yeah staring at an HID bulb is not fun you'd need some sunglasses lol


Well-Known Member
Looks great man, I'm on my first grow and its been mostly cfl so they can get the job done but a few days under a better light source and I saw a drastic change.


Well-Known Member
On that first one you may have to put some lights with domes at an angle since that top cola is so far up and I guess you will need one dedicated light for that big one on top. Is it possible its not getting enough light and that's why its so tall? I'm learning too so I will use this as a learning experience as well. This is me assuming you are using 2700 cfl bulbs for flowering.
On that first one you may have to put some lights with domes at an angle since that top cola is so far up and I guess you will need one dedicated light for that big one on top. Is it possible its not getting enough light and that's why its so tall? I'm learning too so I will use this as a learning experience as well. This is me assuming you are using 2700 cfl bulbs for flowering.

I think it just naturally stretched during flowering, it was very petite and compact until it was switched, and then it just doubled in size uncontrollably no matter how close I kept the light. I think sativa has a tendency to do that, but I'm sure the lighting could be better too. And yeah, she's growing under a Sun Blaze T5HO-44, isn't the greatest thing ever but it definitely gets the job done.

@grapefruitmarmalade Thanks mate, I'll definitely keep you updated.


Well-Known Member

I think it just naturally stretched during flowering, it was very petite and compact until it was switched, and then it just doubled in size uncontrollably no matter how close I kept the light. I think sativa has a tendency to do that, but I'm sure the lighting could be better too. And yeah, she's growing under a Sun Blaze T5HO-44, isn't the greatest thing ever but it definitely gets the job done.

@grapefruitmarmalade Thanks mate, I'll definitely keep you updated.
hehe nice man looks good.
Some new pictures for those interested...

"Anika" as she is so aptly named, meaning "to be beautiful or have a sweet face" in Scandanavian, is doing quite well. She's really starting to enter maturity now...

Tied her down a bit too, to help get some more light on those nugs.

IMG-20150621-00243.jpgIMG-20150621-00240.jpg IMG-20150620-00214.jpg IMG-20150620-00217.jpg IMG-20150620-00212.jpg


Well-Known Member
It really looks good but maybe could have used a little lST for keeping the colas around the same height. My babies are a bit more bushy and I need to tie them up a bit to give those colas maximum light.
It really looks good but maybe could have used a little lST for keeping the colas around the same height. My babies are a bit more bushy and I need to tie them up a bit to give those colas maximum light.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Unfortunately the growing space is pretty iffy and so confined that its a hassle working around the plant, it's hard to even just water the thing. I'm sure some of the colas will suffer whereas others will be nice and beefy, but it's okay, looking at the buds I'd say she'll be an ounce and a half, possibly 2, and that's satisfying enough for such a small op.


Well-Known Member
I see you kept the light above the plant. Nevertheless it looks awesome and it's fattening up. If done right you can predict anything from 2 oz to about a pound