Legitimate* jobs that don't generally drug test

Winter is coming, three months away. Sheeit. Just ended three months ago. I am disturbed about your 20 cent increase in prices. It is 1.40+ most days here a litre in the summertime like Mungo Jerry. How will we fill our snowmobiles to ride the tundra and slay polar bears?
Winter is coming, three months away. Sheeit. Just ended three months ago. I am disturbed about your 20 cent increase in prices. It is 1.40+ most days here a litre in the summertime like Mungo Jerry. How will we fill our snowmobiles to ride the tundra and slay polar bears?
I'm terribly jelly.

Never seen a polar bear. Except the rug my dad got while working in the Arctic in the 70's.

But never seen a real one. Ive chased away more black and brown bears than I have chased mice. Just never seen a Grizz, or a Polar in real life.

I think I would shit my pants and then die if I saw them up close though. Scary mother fuckers.
Seriously, you're all blowing it for me. Let's keep all this personal info on the DL. How have you been, schuylaar?

ummmmm, you are using the member name tyler.durden?..hardly a secret, my friend:wink:..actually i've know for quite some time, just haven't seen you around 'live' to discuss.

carry on..didn't mean to interrupt.
Yea ive failed a few times, this girl in her early 20's looks at it, looks at me, back at the cup, puts her thumb on the strip, it works, looks at me. And smiles....

Or the lab results show im failing out the ass, always over looked. ive even had someone retake the test for me.

And yea contrary to what i present at riu im a really good worker.

Once yu get past pre-employment screenings most crappy jobs dont drug test again, most good jobs will at some point. I get it monthly, no big deal though.
Hope that even made sense im gone

if you have the cash..www.urineluck.com $50 for synthetic used many, many times.

if not the certo method works fine..i just did it monday (daily smoker, smoked the night before):

  1. 2 hours before test mix one pouch of certo (jello aisle) and 32 oz lemon/lime gatorade - finish within 15 minutes.
  2. drink 2-32 oz water + take a b-12 for color.
  3. pee 2 times..don't worry if it ends up being 3.
  4. go to test.
  5. pee into toilet and catch mid stream only..you want to avoid first and last part of stream.
basically explained, UA measures the metabolite of THC not THC itself..the certo jell breaks itself down and surrounds these metabolites therefore rendering it a false negative..metabolites can't be detected. lasts 4 hours.

don't let the web scare you and say it doesn't work..it most certainly does!
Hope you're not talking about Fort MacMurry.

30,000 people got laid off in this last year. Not a fun place to be right now.

Also, if you work for a company like Suncore or Sincrude - then you have to get drug tested. I know this because my tree planters were planting trees on the Suncore property in 2012 and 2013 when I was there. They all had to pass a piss test.

So I went to the local head shop and bought $1800.00 in drug masking kits. They just looked like a smoothie and were like 80 bucks a piece.

But everyone passed! It may be that the lab was not testing for pot. Or that those weird swill drinks really did work.

I'm in Canada though - I'm sure things are different in the U S of A.

P.S. If you get a medical marijuana prescription, I believe it's unconstitutional for them to deny you your medication for a job. And also illegal to deny you a job because of said medication.

Obviously if you are operating heavy machinery, there would have to be something in writing that you would not work those machines while under the influence. But THC stays in your body for a long time, and if that shit showed up in a drug test - they have no way of knowing if it's for night time use or not.

If the workplace takes a hard line on it, and the test is during the hiring process - you might not get the job, because they can really hire whomever you want.

But it's nice to have a bit of peace of mind. I'm not worried.

They don't seem to drug test in sales.
What is this tree planting job you keep mentioning..did you work for an arborist? I'm gonna look into some type of horticulture jobs, not necessarily MJ, I really enjoy growing stuff. I have opportunities in landscaping..but it's seasonal -lawn mowing in the summer and snowblowing/shoveling in winter..I wouldn't mind the summer work, but there is NO F'ing way I'm doing snow removal. Just the mention of winter and snow has me kinda pissed off right now..
What is this tree planting job you keep mentioning..did you work for an arborist? I'm gonna look into some type of horticulture jobs, not necessarily MJ, I really enjoy growing stuff. I have opportunities in landscaping..but it's seasonal -lawn mowing in the summer and snowblowing/shoveling in winter..I wouldn't mind the summer work, but there is NO F'ing way I'm doing snow removal. Just the mention of winter and snow has me kinda pissed off right now..

This will tell you everything you need to know:

P.s. once you get good at tree planting, average daily earnings are over 300 per day.
I've been thinking about getting a job again, been almost 2 years since i got laid off..get's boring being out of work when everyone you know is at work all day...and health Ins. wouldn't be a bad thing to have..lol. Over the last year or so, I've been tossing around the idea of starting my own business, just a small auto repair shop - brakes/exhaust/tune ups etc..maybe flip a couple cars a year. .After doing some research it's going to be prohibitively expensive for me to open the shop i would have liked to due to licensing/Ins regulations( need $20g's just to get that going) and the fact the town won't allow me to work out of my garage - 30x40 garage..250' off the street..no neighbors for 200' in each direction..they say it will disturb the neighborhood..ya..the bar down the street doesn't do that multiple times a week..police are always there. ( :finger: the American dream my ass..only if you already have $$$ to play with)..sorry rant off..

I've come to the conclusion and I'd be better off just getting a job. I started thinking... What jobs are out there that don't normally drug test? and i answered.."I have no F'ing clue"..so I've come here for help( probably going to be mistake #1 right there...:mrgreen:) I've always done manufacturing/machining/assembly type jobs and a piss test is usually SOP.. i don't want to deal with it. I'm a jack of all trades so I'm not worried about sticking with what I've done. Only requirements i really have is no dealing with the general public..no retail/sales jobs...I'd end up strangling someone and something in the mid to upper teens( $16-$18/hr)for pay would keep me comfortable...throw some ideas my way..I'm not planning on starting to look for a couple months..just starting to get the ball rolling..and i roll sloooooow.

kinda on topic...Just had a funny thought..are there any MJ related jobs where they DO drug testing..that would be kinda funny - "Wanna work at our dispensary..here piss in this cup"..you failed!..YOU'RE HIRED!!..OR.... "you're clean..we can't hire you, sorry"

I'm gonna sit here and smoke a bowl and wait for replies...because i have nothing better to do at the moment..
Don't know how durable Ur body is but I'm making 17$ cash no taxes an hour doing demolition mostly labor work and non union. I make what some one who makes 20/21$ hour but pays taxes. Hard Ass work though
.anyway no drug test no back ground check and if I was union I'd be making more but paying taxes and dues. If lugging concrete drywall bricks or granite don't bother you go demo. There I's also the very real possibility u can be crushed to death on the job too ;)
Don't know how durable Ur body is but I'm making 17$ cash no taxes an hour doing demolition mostly labor work and non union. I make what some one who makes 20/21$ hour but pays taxes. Hard Ass work though
.anyway no drug test no back ground check and if I was union I'd be making more but paying taxes and dues. If lugging concrete drywall bricks or granite don't bother you go demo. There I's also the very real possibility u can be crushed to death on the job too ;)

a total bonus!!:lol:
Don't know how durable Ur body is but I'm making 17$ cash no taxes an hour doing demolition mostly labor work and non union. I make what some one who makes 20/21$ hour but pays taxes. Hard Ass work though
.anyway no drug test no back ground check and if I was union I'd be making more but paying taxes and dues. If lugging concrete drywall bricks or granite don't bother you go demo. There I's also the very real possibility u can be crushed to death on the job too ;)
I did it one summer part time, 10 yrs ago..when the thermometer says 120F inside the building your working in things get shitty fast. I honestly don't know if i could do it now, physically, I'm 30lbs heavier( coming down but slowly...),both knees have cartilage loss one knee was injury with permanent damage, back problems..sucks getting old..and I'm not that old, just never took care of myself and abused my body...somedays I wish someone would just take me out behind the shed..
I did it one summer part time, 10 yrs ago..when the thermometer says 120F inside the building your working in things get shitty fast. I honestly don't know if i could do it now, physically, I'm 30lbs heavier( coming down but slowly...),both knees have cartilage loss one knee was injury with permanent damage, back problems..sucks getting old..and I'm not that old, just never took care of myself and abused my body...somedays I wish someone would just take me out behind the shed..
I understand I have bad knees especially my right one and lower back hurts too. I'm about to hit 30 and it's been a rough life trust me. Fuck it I just eat a handful of aleave and keep on busting Ass. Try for a sit down forklift job..
That ship sailed already... Half the country is medical.. the price of weed is going down. 14/15 years ago I was getting 5k a unit for top shelf indoor in Illinois... Now people don't wanna pay 3200 cuz they got a west coast or Colorado plug. And the price is dropping
The profit margin isn't as great as it used to be. I could probably get somewhere between $2.5K- $3K/lb around here, like you said it was closer to $4-$4.5K only 5-7 years ago. The market is really starting to get saturated, the people i know who do grow are getting out, or trying to go legal, because they see $1.5-$2K/lbs of top shelf in the next few years. I think the connoisseur/rare/exotic market is where the $$ is gonna be. I'm already trying to talk some people into getting some landrace/rare strains, but most profit growers don't want to deal with 12+ weeks of flower. Once it goes legal here..2016!!!..I'll be setting up for some exotics..I know a guy who travels to the south asian areas quite a bit..says he can get me some killer seeds...we'll see.
That ship sailed already... Half the country is medical.. the price of weed is going down. 14/15 years ago I was getting 5k a unit for top shelf indoor in Illinois... Now people don't wanna pay 3200 cuz they got a west coast or Colorado plug. And the price is dropping
I still make more money than a real job and I'm cheap it really don't cost shit to grow dank buds I'll be in business long after legalization and yeah we get CO, CA weed but it's vacuum sealed crap nothing special and everyone likes my shit. But by all means spread that roomer don't want too many people growing. :bigjoint:
I still make more money than a real job and I'm cheap it really don't cost shit to grow dank buds I'll be in business long after legalization and yeah we get CO, CA weed but it's vacuum sealed crap nothing special and everyone likes my shit. But by all means spread that roomer don't want too many people growing. :bigjoint:
The trend will continue eventually it will reach Ur hillbilly Ass area to.. it's not even worth it to grow nowadays as much it is to buy it dirty cheap from source state and ship it back...
That ship sailed already... Half the country is medical.. the price of weed is going down. 14/15 years ago I was getting 5k a unit for top shelf indoor in Illinois... Now people don't wanna pay 3200 cuz they got a west coast or Colorado plug. And the price is dropping

I'm in Chicago and the MMJ laws here are having a hard time getting off the ground, and they won't let citizens grow their own. They're already talking about not renewing the program. A lot of people have West coast connections, but those dudes are still charging up the ass for retail. I only grow about 22 oz per month, and sell them by the oz. to a small clientele for $350. Even people with a connect like my shit better, and my price for an oz. is better than theirs. These stupid young guys that import keep getting busted, I've had custies I haven't seen for months come back to me saying their dude is gone. I think Illinois will be one of the last states to come around, so I think I have a few good years left...
QUOTE="theexpress, post: 11686945, member: 233471"]The trend will continue eventually it will reach Ur hillbilly Ass area to.. it's not even worth it to grow nowadays as much it is to buy it dirty cheap from source state and ship it back...[ QUOTE]
Please buddy I can profit in CA if I wanted many make a living their and they get what 2 grand a LB?, Just grow better weed you'll be fine. Also weed is cheaper in the mountains than the city that's why city folk come to me. Price may drop to CA prizes but CA folk make cheddar. Sure you may not want to use Advanced Nutrients and shop in local hydro stores them fools charge way too much fucking money.

But hey don't grow just hope your boy don't get hit like FDD but the thing is they make money selling indoor through the mail how the fuck can you not make money? They pay more for electricity than most and with that drought shit going on I'm sure water ain't so cheap I don't even pay for water myself but Artisan well fresh spring water tastes like water unlike that city shit.