Don't Fuck with the Jesus...

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WAT? I didn't get that at all.

Who is Hyrrot?

I don't hang in the grow section or the politics section, FYI.

Sorry Jessica are you sleepy?
ill break it down for you

find someone who has an equal amount of hatred for some pixels on a screen
agree to murder someone for them, and they will in turn murder someone for you

you can then both provide each other an alibi
since neither of you know your victims there is no motive for the crime

whether you frequent the politics section or know hyroot is of little consequence to the concept
this idea has been the plot of at least one or two movies

hope that helps
Sorry Jessica are you sleepy?
ill break it down for you

find someone who has an equal amount of hatred for some pixels on a screen
agree to murder someone for them, and they will in turn murder someone for you

you can then both provide each other an alibi
since neither of you know your victims there is no motive for the crime

weather you frequent the politics section or know hyroot is of little consequence to the concept
this idea has been the plot of at least one or two movies

hope that helps
Oh I saw that episode of the twilight zone or...fak the old dude that did shit.

I'm on a glass and a bit of wine and its gone strait to my heeeeed

I don't want anyone murdered in REAL life.

Just want him gone from here. Online murdered.

How does one do that?

Mind you, I don't want to unignore him, or talk to him, or do anything like that.

I just would like to know that he's not here. In the back of my a whisper.
Oh I saw that episode of the twilight zone or...fak the old dude that did shit.

I'm on a glass and a bit of wine and its gone strait to my heeeeed

I don't want anyone murdered in REAL life.

Just want him gone from here. Online murdered.

How does one do that?

Mind you, I don't want to unignore him, or talk to him, or do anything like that.

I just would like to know that he's not here. In the back of my a whisper.

Sounds like you want him to see him suffer in some way
I NEVER use that word

I am a firm believer that it takes too much energy to hate.

But this doesn't take any energy. It feels very natural actually. Like putting on a nice pair of worn in slippers...

Maybe hate is the wrong word, because hating takes energy and this is so easy? What do I feel about him? He is the opposite of me. He has spoken to me unlike anyone on the planet ever has.

And, he thought that I was weak. He thought that if he pushed my buttons and kept at me, I would break. He had NO IDEA what he was doing. He woke something in me. HE WOKE THE HATE. hahahah

Hate is still wrong. Because it goes with "I hate the X" people or "I hate the blue people". I dislike him and everything he has ever said towards me.

I have always said that if someone likes him, that's their prerogative.

But now, I think it's a one or the other type scenario.

You love hate Trousers.

You love Trousers, you hate Yessica...



If he'd just stay logged out of that damn sock puppet account and stick with his primarily then we all may miss out on the fun. No-more-finger-pointing for all-knowing-mothers. But Nope, there's no sock accounts remaining on the boards cause trollzers says so heh. that's about the funniest thing he's said to date.

I saw him start from the beginning, by coming after you with his derision; When you just had a break-up. A real gem. some people can't make the distinction between mean and cruel. most ppl don't even care, fuckers.

Team Yessi, all the way ;-)
If he'd just stay logged out of that damn sock puppet account and stick with his primarily then we all may miss out on the fun. No-more-finger-pointing for all-knowing-mothers. But Nope, there's no sock accounts remaining on the boards cause trollzers says so heh. that's about the funniest thing he's said to date.

I saw him start from the beginning, by coming after you with his derision; When you just had a break-up. A real gem. some people can't make the distinction between mean and cruel. most ppl don't even care, fuckers.

Team Yessi, all the way ;-)
I'm team ABE - who do YOU hate?

Hey Thanks. I definitely don't hate anyone, but there is this guy that's a bar tender at an Irish pub in Vermont. I'll split what he owes if ya can get through to him. I have all his info, even where him mother lives in Ohio.
I'll do whatever you want, as long as it isn't physically violent.

I can usually talk to most people. I talked an angry German tourist into sharing with me - which was a FEAT in the situation, because the dude thought I was American and PEOPLE HATE YOU GUYS. hahahahaha

PM me some deets.
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