Let's get drunk!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah i was seeing cartoon characters in the wood grain textures of my desk and hexagonal patterns on this leather stain on my floor, plus the floor was breathing haha. U ever try it?
Oh yes I have.

The year was 1994. The times were plentiful. It was a fun 4 months.

Not STRAIT - but a couple times a month. Then 1995 new years, I think? Maybe 96 - stopped.

My friends and I decided that we had experimented enough.

Now I'd be pretty terrified of it. I never had a bad time then, but when you're 15 years old, you aint got shit to worry about.

My mind can go to some pretty dark places now. I don't fuck with drugs other than weeds and alcohol now.

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Oh yes I have.

The year was 1994. The times were plentiful. It was a fun 4 months.

Not STRAIT - but a couple times a month. Then 1995 new years, I think? Maybe 96 - stopped.

My friends and I decided that we had experimented enough.

Now I'd be pretty terrified of it. I never had a bad time then, but when you're 15 years old, you aint got shit to worry about.

My mind can go to some pretty dark places now. I don't fuck with drugs other than weeds and alcohol now.
I got a traumatic past, even when i was 16 my life was very fucked up


Well-Known Member
I got a traumatic past, even when i was 16 my life was very fucked up
I liked that because of the sharing, that's sad about your past.

But really, who DOESN'T have a fucked up past?

I've heard some stories from friends that would make your fucking toes curl.

I had a pretty ideal childhood, and I still ended up right fucked up at 16.

You never can tell with people...

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
I liked that because of the sharing, that's sad about your past.

But really, who DOESN'T have a fucked up past?

I've heard some stories from friends that would make your fucking toes curl.

I had a pretty ideal childhood, and I still ended up right fucked up at 16.

You never can tell with people...
everybody has issues a lot of ppl are drama queens but my past has been really fucked up what will haunt me for the rest of my life, I've seriously considered suicide mutilple times in the last few months cause i'm so sick of thinking about it, that plus my horrible luck and bad opinion ppl have of me :(


Well-Known Member
everybody has issues a lot of ppl are drama queens but my past has been really fucked up what will haunt me for the rest of my life, I've seriously considered suicide mutilple times in the last few months cause i'm so sick of thinking about it, that plus my horrible luck and bad opinion ppl have of me :(
Hey now - we talked last summer. And I told you to go see a psychologist.

Did you? Because you really should.

Then, get on medical marijuana. Do whatever they tell you to do, but do your own research.

You don't have to worry about the legality of it. And RIGHT THERE a million pounds of potential stress is lifted from your shoulders.

I didn't get help for 6 months this winter. It was possibly the worst 6 months of my life.

Now I'm doing REALLY good. Sick as all hell, but good.

Camman man, get on the mentally "healthy" bandwagon!

I'm by NO MEANS a model for sanity. But I am pretty fucking happy, and that's a BIG CHANGE from this winter.

Think about it.


Well-Known Member
first find out the list of qualifications and get a paper trail from a doctor for diagnosis. at least that's how it starts here.

@Mr. Bongwater :

Here you need a medical history of something that can be treated with medical marijuana. I had a lot of previous history with depression and anxiety and medications for those. Plus I was puking so much that pretty much any fucking moron that could sign a slip of paper (Doctor) would have had to eventually because nothing else would work to stop the puking.

Oh, ask your family doctor first and foremost. Someone that knows you, and your medical history would work the best.

If they say no, look on the internet for a Compassion Club in the nearest big city to you. Call them and tell them your situation.

Someone will help you. There is help out there. You just have to go get it.


Well-Known Member
Just started drinking about 9 am..yeah, I'm having a tough day, too many ghosts in my house..I need a break from reality for a bit. Whose with me?


Well-Known Member
Oh yes I have.

The year was 1994. The times were plentiful. It was a fun 4 months.

Not STRAIT - but a couple times a month. Then 1995 new years, I think? Maybe 96 - stopped.

My friends and I decided that we had experimented enough.

Now I'd be pretty terrified of it. I never had a bad time then, but when you're 15 years old, you aint got shit to worry about.

My mind can go to some pretty dark places now. I don't fuck with drugs other than weeds and alcohol now.
I never tried shit, mom had me too terrified of drugs, figured it would all kill me or make me kill myself. Now I'm all about experiencing life, drugs, etc. Kinda dumb considering my age but really, does it matter?

I am having a rough week, forgive me of I'm off my game a bit. Just throwing some back in an effort to purge my mind. Too many ghosts around me right now. Its not working..but I'm getting high, so that counts, yes?

Should have some acid here in a couple days, that will be my first time with it. Then I'll really be purging :)

The curiosity is killing me...
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