anyone else smoke alone?

Unfortunately, I was forced to stop when CL husband worked at Exxon for many years and had randoms. Then he had a stroke in November (stress-related I'm sure) and I was forced to move in with my mother after 40 years. Sooo, I have to smoke alone. I don't mind really. I remember days I've gone to others' houses and smoked and got too high and just wanted to be back home. Raise your hand if you know what I mean.:spew::hump: Should never have mixed it with beer.
Unfortunately, I was forced to stop when CL husband worked at Exxon for many years and had randoms. Then he had a stroke in November (stress-related I'm sure) and I was forced to move in with my mother after 40 years. Sooo, I have to smoke alone. I don't mind really. I remember days I've gone to others' houses and smoked and got too high and just wanted to be back home. Raise your hand if you know what I mean.:spew::hump: Should never have mixed it with beer.

I just read the article you linked in your profile. Dr. Drew is a stuffed shirt with his head so far up his ass he thinks his farts smell like Chanel No. 5.

For travel, I highly recommend Rick Steves!
[Qreally hope it gets like that here in no UOTE="ttystikk, post: 11610547, member: 324297"]As much as I like smoking alone, smoking with friends is by far the greater pleasure. This is much easier here in Colorado than elsewhere![/QUOTE]
I really hope it gets like that in Oregon where I live, we go full legal in thirty days
I preferred group smoking up until I started on the class a's/legal highs (meow meow etc when it was a tenner a gram) but that shit fried my brain and sent me into severe psychosis. Ever since I get paranoid as fuck after a joint or two, so I prefer smoking alone these days.

I really regret dabbling in class a's and their legal counterparts. They fucked me up as I spent years chasing that first high. Before the class a's I was a happy energetic stoner, now i get para and monged out far too quickly.

Triple dropping 4 times on my first night trying E's....that was some fucking high :D never to be matched since :(
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[Qreally hope it gets like that here in no UOTE="ttystikk, post: 11610547, member: 324297"]As much as I like smoking alone, smoking with friends is by far the greater pleasure. This is much easier here in Colorado than elsewhere!
I really hope it gets like that in Oregon where I live, we go full legal in thirty days[/QUOTE]
I'm so jealous!
That y is exactly our situation, she does wine or rum ,I quit drinking 7 months ago and went back to pot, after, 25 years, I am the relaxed happy guy I used to be once again, but yi do smoke alone
Just signed up to the forum and wanted to say hi and also that yes I smoke alone sort of because my wife doesn't partake but she has her wine and I have my herb and together we have fun.
[Qdon't know how longUOTE="SPLFreak808, post: 11611422, member: 897461"]I dont keep it secret but i prefere, especially after a long day of work, to smoke alone.[/QUOTE]
I don't know how long it will take after full legal in Oregon it will take for people to accept pot like they do beer, probably years
[Qdon't know how longUOTE="SPLFreak808, post: 11611422, member: 897461"]I dont keep it secret but i prefere, especially after a long day of work, to smoke alone.
I don't know how long it will take after full legal in Oregon it will take for people to accept pot like they do beer, probably years[/QUOTE]
Whats really funny, is out here in hawaii, as illegal as it has been, many people use it. But we're known for smoking bomb ass shit grown in constant year around solar UV index of 11 so its no surprise to anyone who has been here.
I just moved from Michigan where it's medical legal which translates to pretty accessible for anyone who's interested and has $$ to a southern state with no tolerance so hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to start my grow. Been researching like crazy and have all my stuff so will probably germ the seeds in a week or two. Then if all goes well I will be back to smokin alone!
I hope you post a journal of your grow, or your y grow cab
I just moved from Michigan where it's medical legal which translates to pretty accessible for anyone who's interested and has $$ to a southern state with no tolerance so hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to start my grow. Been researching like crazy and have all my stuff so will probably germ the seeds in a week or two. Then if all goes well I will be back to smokin alone!